First day

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You make your way to room 330 and walk right in the open door to the auditorium sized room. Nobody else is here except the teacher who's busy on her phone, so all you really see is the top of her blonde head. All of the desks are huge, and from your low perspective you can see huge colorful wads of gum and other suspicious sticky substances stuck to the bottom of many of them. You have to climb to get into your seat but even then you can just barely see over the desk when you're sitting, and what you see is the teacher bringing a party sized bottle of soda to her lips and downing all two liters in just a few gulps.


She unabashedly lets out a huge belch that echoes off the cement walls, and at that point she looks up and notices you. "Oh hey, sorry I didn't hear you come in," she says, putting her phone down and tossing the empty soda bottle at a recycle bin filled with many other just like it. "Hang on, you're the new student aren't You? Uhhh..." She looks through her papers for her attendance sheet. "Aaron... Jacob, right?"

"Yup, that's me," you tell her.

"Well, nice to meet you! I'm Maureen Thiccsberg." she asks as she gets up from her desk. What a last name, you think to yourself. Now that she's standing up you can see what she really looks like. She's dressed in a long, open white lab coat with a low cut cream colored blouse underneath. Her tits aren't the biggest you've seen in town so far since most of her fat has been aggregated to her lower portion in her gut, thighs, hips and butt giving her a bit of a pear shape; her tight black yoga pants aren't doing her any favors, as they only serve to accentuate her under gut. As she walks through the rows of chairs her fat ass can't help but swing into the desks as it sways back and forth. "So you just- BBUUUURRRRRRRPPPP -moved here, huh?" She doesn't even skip a beat as she belches right in your face. You don't know what her burp smells like but you'd really like to never smell it again.

"Yeah, I just got here yesterday," you reply, trying to resist holding your nose.

"Oh wow. Welcome to town, then. How do you- UUUURRRRRPPPPP - like it so far?" Is saying "excuse me" completely unheard of here?

"It's... different." That's about the nicest thing you can say about this town.

"Yeah I guess we are a little different here," she giggles. "But I'm sure you'll fit right in. And you can always- PPPHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP -come talk to me if you're having problems." The back of her lab coat flies up as that fart escapes her rear. Although your throat is burning from that fart you manage to choke out a thank you. She might be gassy but so far this is the first woman you've met who hasn't tried to hit on you immediately.

"And I know we're already a good way into the semester, so if you need any help catching up just let me know. Especially the bUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPPPiology chapter, I could teach you a few things about the human body..." And suddenly her normalcy is gone. She smiles at you with the same smile your aunt did when you got out of the car today.

"Uhh... thanks?"

"Maybe you could even teach me a few things about your body too..." She winks at you with devious intent. She leans in close and places a hand on your desk but before she can do anything else other students begin to enter the room. She leaves you with one last smile and returns to her desk, letting out one long extended FFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRPPPPPTTTTTTTTT the whole way back, her lab coat fluttering behind her.

As the students begin to pour in you notice all of these girls give you big smiles and even throw in a few "Hey, cutie's, many of them with food stuck in in their teeth or still being chewed since they're coming from breakfast or still finishing it. You've never felt so claustrophobic in a class as you do in this one once you have half ton land whales sitting all around you. The girl in front of you desperately needs to pull up her shorts, meaning most of your vision is taken up by her massive plumbers crack that clearly hasn't been wiped; to your left a redhead is shoveling handfuls of chips from a party bag into her mouth while talking to her friends, those that don't make it to her mouth instead being devoured by her cleavage; and to your right a girl in a tank top is combing her... armpit hair? This place just keeps getting weirder everywhere you look.

The one who gives you the most attention sits herself down diagonally in front of you. A towering behemoth like the rest, she's got long blond hair that's dyed blue at the ends pouring out of a backwards pink baseball cap down to her big butt, and is sporting the biggest pair of tits you've seen in this school under her black tank top. Her knockers cover almost her entire desk, even rivaling the size of her bulbous bare belly. She keeps her eyes on you the whole time she walks past and turns around in her seat to continue looking. You smile awkwardly back at her and watch as she reaches into her backpack, but to your surprise it's the least strange thing you could've expected: a banana. Her deep blue eyes stay focused on you as she brings the long yellow fruit to her mouth, and a long pink tongue comes slithering out of her lips to lick all the way up its length. Even if she is gross like the others the display does manage to cause a stir in your pants.

You almost want to look away and hint that you're not interested, but suddenly she slips the whole unpeeled banana into her mouth with a smile! On top of that, you notice the front of her tank top is beginning to expand outwards almost half a foot, showing off a generous amount of her sweaty underboobs. Are those her nipples doing that?! Your eyes are bouncing back and forth between her nipples and mouth, not sure which is more shocking. You see her chubby cheeks bulge from time to time and in a few moments she pulls a slobbery banana peel from her mouth and swallows the fruit whole. You have to admit that takes some serious tongue talent. As Ms Thiccsberg calls everyone's attention she winks at you before turning to face the front, tossing the soggy peel in her mouth and chewing that up too.

"Good-- UUUUUUURRRRRPPPPP --morning everybody," Maureen greets the class with a hearty belch. "Hope you're all excited for today, we've got big stuff going on. But before that, we have a new student with us starting today- everyone say hi to Aaron JacobUUURRRRRPPPPP!"

"Hi Aaron!" A chorus of female voices says at once.

"So, let's take attendance real quick and we'll get started..." Ms Thiccsberg begins reading off names followed by the corresponding "here!". You learn the girl with the talented tongue's name is Sonya Nipps, yet another startlingly fitting last name. You also find out there are supposed to be other guys in this class, but all of them happen to be absent today. You wonder if these girls give them all this attention regularly.

"Michelle Rhodes?" Maureen calls out.

You hear a snort stifling a laugh from behind you followed by a giggling voice saying "She's here!"

"Okay... Isabella Santos?"

"I'm also here," the same girl giggles. The teacher doesn't think much of this situation, but you find it kind of strange. You turn around to see a huge Hispanic girl with an enormous ass a few seats back trying to contain her laughter. For a brief moment you see her huge rear raise up out of the seat with what look like arms trying to push it up, but a few seconds later it goes back down with a heavy wumph and the giggling of her and a few of her friends. She's sitting on someone, and not by accident! You didn't consider meaner students using their size against people like you until now, and now it's got you worried.

In the meantime Maureen finishes taking attendance like normal, and the moves on to the plan for today's class:

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