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"I think I'll just hang out here and catch some sun for a bit," Isabella says lazily, getting comfortable in the crater she's created. "Just don't let me fall asleep through lunch." You wonder if the lifeguards will mistake her for a beached whale like this.

As Isabella closes her eyes you consider trying to escape, but you know you'll have to come back to her by the end of the day regardless. And at that point there would probably be hell to pay for ditching her, much worse than the threats that woman got. No, as strange as it sounds the safest place for you to be is right next to this huge bully.

Well, not directly next to her anyway because she's about to roll right on top of you! You dive out of the way, tumbling through the sand just in time to avoid being crushed under body. She lets out a big yawn as she rests her head on her arms before turning to you. "Aaron could you do me a big favor and undo my top for me? I don't want any weird tan lines."

Ignoring the fact that her fat rolls themselves will probably cause more than lines than her bathing suit, you agree to do as she asks. The first step is to scale her massive body to get to her bikini tie; even laying down she's still taller than you. With her laying on her belly the layers of her fat form an almost staircase for you, but all the sweat and oil on her skin makes it difficult to scale. As strange as it feels to be climbing this wall of flesh you manage to pull yourself up onto her back, now soaked with more of her sweat than yours.

"Mmm, that feels good," she moans as you crawl around on her back. "Maybe you can give me a back massage while you're up there too..." You'd really rather not. You slide your hands under the rolls of her back fat until you find the strap and unclip it, the force with which it snaps apart showing you just how much strain it was under. Just as you do this you feel Isabella's entire body rumble, followed by the sound of snoring. She's already asleep! All that twerking must have worn her out. At least you won't have to give her that back rub now.

As you're about to climb back down from your perch you notice two young kids staring at Isabella from down the beach. They then spot you sitting on top of her and start coming over, stopping by her feet.

"Hey mister, is that your girlfriend?" The older kid asks, a maybe 12 year old boy in a blue bathing suit.

"How come she's so fat?" The other kid who you assume is his younger sister asks. She's wearing a purple one piece and looks around 10.

"Shhh, keep it down," you warn them in a hushed voice, worried what Isabella might do if she's awakened so soon. "Shes not my girlfriend."

"Is she your sister?" The boy tries again.

"No, no, she's just a friend from school," you tell him more clearly. "Now get out of here."

"Ohh okay. I've never seen somebody as fat as her," the boy says, giggling.

"Yeah, can we climb on her like you? It looks like fun!" the younger sister chimes in.

"Uhh, no you really don't wanna do that." You've got a good feeling Isabella has about as much tolerance for kids as she showed for adults. Your warning doesn't deter the kids though as they begin to scale her fat legs. "Guys seriously, you need to get out of here. If she wakes up she's gonna be really mad."

"I bet she can't even get up by herself," the boy laughs. "If she gets mad we can just walk away and I bet she wouldn't be able to catch us."

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