Chapter 4

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Lynn's dream

It was cold the morning adult Lynn woke up – cold as yesterday. It was so cold cloud bursts came from her breath. She slowly unzipped her sleeping bag and removed the layers of tarps and rags before unzipping her tent inside the old shack. She stood watching the cars go by on the highway. Her tent was in the woods near the highway and was between that and the park with a public restroom.

"Okay . . . let's get to work," Lynn said to herself.

By 'work,' she meant doing what she does daily: finding food. Few people were offering cash by the streetlight, so she may have to steal food or go through the garbage. She would set up her tent at the homeless camp under the highway bridge, but she had to keep her distance so what little she had wouldn't be stolen.

'Maybe one of the college students might feel generous like that one girl last week,' Lynn thought.

She coughed several times, and it got bad enough that she had to lean against a tree. After a while, she was able to regain her strength.

She put on her backpack and walked with her shopping cart full of bags. With that, she began her day. Not many people know the luxury of having money to buy food. No money, that's makes getting food a lot harder. When it comes to survival, looking for food is constant. Then it started to rain, and Lynn knew she had to rush to return to her tent before the ground got too muddy. She made it just in time to get her cart back to her tent but slipped and fell in the mud.

Lynn groaned, "Oh man."

End of Lynn's Dream

Lynn woke and groaned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Is that a good sign?" Lucy asked.

"What?" Lynn asked.

"You didn't gasp or scream in your sleep. Does that mean you didn't have any nightmares?" Lucy asked.

Lynn let out a sigh, remembering her dream . . . being a hobo.

"Oh, I had nightmares. They may not have jarred me awake, but they were still bad," Lynn replied.

"How bad?" Lucy asked.

Lynn didn't answer, but Lucy could see Lynn's hair standing up with her goosebumps even from the other side of the room. Lucy even noticed Lynn's pupils shrink and shiver.

'Whatever nightmares she's having is shaking her core,' Lucy thought, 'Should I tell Lincoln? Or does he already know?'

The girls all had breakfast. While the parents were out meeting with their lawyer, Lincoln brought Clyde, Stella, and Ronnie Anne. Lincoln prepared himself to be embarrassed and to lift his sisters' spirits. Normally, Clyde would have either a nosebleed or a 'system overlord' when standing in Lori's presence, but not anymore. He looked at her and the others with a half-serious and half-indifferent look.

"Hey Clyde," Lori waved with a small smile.

Clyde looked away, "Lori."

Ronnie Anne had a stern look with angry eyes. She stood calmly with her hands in her hoodie pocket. Stella was in a similar state but in a less aggressive way.

"Girls, these are the three people I told of my powers before I told you. You remember Clyde and Ronnie Anne, but let me introduce Stella Zhau," Lincoln said.

The sisters all looked at the tall girl with curiosity.

"There's one more thing that you should know about Stella. She's . . . she's my—"

Before the white-haired boy could finish that sentence, Stella grabbed her boyfriend and pulled him over. She had him leaning over while holding him, sending her lips straight to his. Her kiss was long and passionate. At first, Lincoln was surprised by this, but then he closed his eyes and gently held her face with one hand. Lincoln relished the kiss and the sensation of Stella's fingers gliding through his hair. Everyone's eyes widened at this, and the sisters all gasped.

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