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Fixed some mistyping

In Mick's dream pov:
Sittng beside arthur n zac and Ollie that replaced kevin a year and a half ago we played uno and i was so confident that i would win until..." ok mickey draw 8 cards "- the three smirked at me making me frown " really? When i was almost done?"- i signed taking the cards then my phone rang so i answered " yes vater?"- it took him few seconds before he replied " y..your uncle's are at the ho..spital"- he stuttered while he's clearly been crying " who dad? And which one"- i said as clam as possible to not make Arthur freak out " sebby and lew.. we w..e were driving to the airport then out of nowhere a car turned into seb's car that made —-
all of sudden i heard my alarm ringing that woke me up.." not this dream agin "- I sighed looking at the sleeping boy beside me we we're watching a movie last night .. it became a normal thing since we didn't have a problem sharing a bed when we were kids on vacations .
<<end of his pov>>

" mickey."- whined Arthur when he felt the blanket removed " get up come on we have a training to do remember "- reasoned mick " wake up or else ill yank you from the bed myself and drop you in your bathtub filled with water "- as soon as he said that arthur shot up awake and headed to his hotel bathroom caused mick to chuckle " works all the time"- mick smirked locking his room door to get ready himself.

The miami gp race day started well for the first 10 laps until.." Arthur yellow flag.. yellow flag "- said Marcus om the radio while the rb driver got confused " who is it?did someone crash?" " schumacer has crashed into the barrier's.. hes ok hes out of the car and norris is out of the race too.. ok Arthur safety car incoming be prepared " " copy"- shaking his worries he slowed down until he passed sector 1 and was in the green flag side but then the safety car lap happened , the race went on and on with currently arthur is in p3 infront of him is charles and carlos in p1-2 , he wanted to get the win .. so he tried to overtake the two Ferraris but under steered , he tried agin and finally made it to p2 as charles started to lose pace... when the race ended he and zac smiled on the podium as it was a p2-3 because leclerc went for a pit stop that didn't go as he wanted he looked down to his feet ending in p5 is not what he wanted so he locked his driver room after congratulating his teammate.

After checking that mick and lando are fine ,12 of 20 f1 drivers decided to hang out in max's hotel room as it was enough for all of them " so.. whos gonna start?"- asked arthur as he drank some wine " me"- replied george spinning the bottle which landed on guanyu and ollie " ok guan .. truth or dare "- the brit asked " truth " " hmm have you ever lied to your trainer?" " yes.."- chuckles the Chinese guy as he span the bottel " alright mr emilian " - smirked daniel " truth or dare" " dare.."- replied max " i dare you to call Chris with a girl voice "- laughed the aussie, when max was done his. Face was red out of embarrassment as Christian figured out it was a dare " hey enough !"- carlos took the bottle away from charlie " dont be so down please.. at least you got p5"- carlos tried his best to cheer his friend " i was gonna be on the podium.."- he mumbled then max hugged him comforting him " cheer up come on bud "- daniel said " at least you got in the top10.. l had to dnf "- mumbled mick about to drink the whole alcohol bottle luckliy daniel was fast and snatched it away before emptying it in the garbage " ok no one is drinking! Some of us has to fly out tomorrow "- pointed out Daniel .

Ella holds arthur hand as they walked around a mall in miami " Können wir danach essen gehen, Archie?"- (can we go eat afterwards archie? )asked the german - french girl "ja, sure "- smiled the 23 year old as he paid for the items they got .. and carried the bag , " liebe , ave asked me to tell you if you would like to be one of her bridesmaids?"- the girl face lit up and said " yes of course.. i didnt see her on track yesterday." " she wasn't feeling well so she stayed at their hotel room" - his girl nodded when suddenly a man shoved him to the floor and said something in German in his ear "Zähle deine Tage, Vettel"(count your days vettel )then ran away ,"- ella helped him up " what was his problem.."- asked the girl " its a another death threat.."- mumbeld the boy.," i gotta inform the team about it "- he quickly texted his horner " are you ok.?"- his girlfriend checked on him and saw that his knee got scratched " come on ill drive back to the hotel".

When they returned arthur packed their things as he was informed that someone tried to force the recipient to spell his room number " yes max.. i cant stay im flying back to monaco and if you saw mick tell him we need to move out "- he was close to having a panic attack but luckily he took a breath, 2 days later michael arrived in Monaco with Sebastian " good you moved in this house.. it would've been abounded "- Sebastian was clearly worried about his son safety " i hired security for the house and bodyguards for you " " i just dont get it.. why "- michael tried to understand " i think.. it's about.. one of my ex's.. honestly i dont know"- his breathing quickened and started to cry "baby breath! Take a slow breath in please "- Sebastian was fast to aid his son while mick poured some water for him .

Time skip—>

Mick was watching tv when he heard Arthur shouting and crying panic took over his body and ran to his best friend " no no no!"- shouted Arthur as he was holding his throat with swollen eyes , when mick saw it he tried to help him snap out of it so he hugged him " archie! It was just a bad dream look your here safe"- as if he wasn't even there arthur looked around his room before his head got too dizzy and stumbles on the floor crying , mick had to call max and inform him .. it took 20 minutes before Arthur was back to his normal sense " i.. i was walking outside my driver room th.then a guy stabbed me with a knife.. you were hurt too blood was everywhere.."- sobbed Arthur as he explained his nightmare " th..the.n the scene changed to dad and uncle lewis bodies on the floor with a red sky.. i tried to wake up but.. but" " shh its ok, dont try to remember "- whispered mick softly as he brought him closer " sorry i am late"-said max as he placed some ice cream for arthur " got something to make you feel better "- the dutchman ruffles his brother hair " are you ok now?" - Arthur only nodded .. but he felt pathetic crying like a baby so he kept apologizing " hey hey.. dont.. its ok , your not pathetic buddy" - max smiled .

To be continued..
End of chapter 17

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