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Season end break..

Arthur and lance left the vettel swis vacation house to roam around in one of sebs cars heading god knows where ignoring Sebastian's and michael warnings of a possible snow storm.. after an argument arthur and his father , lewis had .." slow down!"- shouted lance panicked as the german boy speeds thru a very snowy road forcing the car to be unsteady " breaks ! Archie the breaks! "- lance reached to the breaks and stared at his friend " DO YOU WANT TO KILL US BOTH!! That was so stupid mate"- yelled the canadian as his friend stopped the car and placed his head on the steering wheel " leave then! Walk back home because I don't want to see anyone of them now !"- hissed Arthur clearly not in the mood " we need to get back.. the weather is—-" " SHUT UP!"- he yelled hitting into the steering wheel losing his temper " get off.. get out of the car!"- vettel wasn't in his right mind.. his anger is controlling his mind forcing stroll to head to the driver door and pulled him out " dont put your anger on me! I am trying my best to help you But your acting like a different person!!!"- tears fell down lance's face out of frustration " you changed! Arthur i feel like i dont know you anymore "- sobbed lance wiping his tears away "first you called mickey a liar then you fought with Zac after he crashed into you due to his steering wheel locking during Las Vegas what is wrong with you plus im a two years older than  you !"- lance decides to drive instead making sure the doors are locked and drove  back..ignoring the german boy anger tantrums.

The night went by and it was only lance that got inside while the other boy drove away agin ignoring his god father  yells " and you two! Why would you argue with him "- kimi sighed looking at Sebastian and lewis " seb you should've not called him a mistake.. and you lew! You yelled at him infront of us " " he was acting like a child and drove away!"- lewis tried to reason " dont you see! Hes having it agin please seb call him and talk .. please i have a bad feeling about this "- michael said while bringing mick closer to his chest. The boy felt guilty for not trying to get Arthur to talk to him ... instead he hurted his feelings agin " that's it! Im going to look for him"- kimi got his car keys " you two stay here.. ill try talking to him", kimi reached the place where the boy usually goes to.. his mother old house.

Entering the abandoned house he searched for his nephew around.. but only found the car outside without him anywhere, he quickly informed the others while keeping his search "archie! Son where are you !"- kimi called out agin and agin but still no reply.. 12 minutes after he had to leave as the wind started to get worse making it impossible to stay out he was panicking that he called the emergency services about the young vettel " Yes.. he is around 23 years old. Drity blonde hair.. ok thank you"- he sighed ending the call   ...

Hours passed by , Sebastian heart ached he was sobbing into his best friend shoulder blaming himself " seb.. get it together. He may be at a cafe and got stuck"- assumed lewis while he himself is getting worried while the outside is completely covered in large piles of snow  "they are searching for him .. footprints are hard to find but a woman said he may not be that far "- said kimi, meanwhile Arthur sat inside a small cabin that he used to sit inside with his mother shaking from the cold " i was right.. i am the problem "- Arthur thought to himself as  he hugged knees.. he felt pathetic and childish then ..he realized that he had forgotten his phone inside the car.. he didnt want leave the cabin because he will freeze to death outside.

Time skip..>

Mick hugged arthur  and he returned the hug but when arthur gaze met his father.. he scoffed and said  " let me remind you that i am not a child anymore..im not *baby boy* anymore so either you get it into your head or i never want to s—"- he was cutted by Sebastian  " so.. everything that ive done for you wasn't enough? What am i to you huh? ..I am your father for god sake and now your breaking my heart"- seb red teary eyes met his  son " did i ask for you to be my father? No.."- arthur was indeed acting like a different person.. mick looked down feeling bad for seb   " i hate you so bad "- said Arthur ... that was it Sebastian walked to his own room and kimi followed him ... " sebby?"kimi brought Sebastian closer  hugging him when he saw him curled into a chair trying to process everything  " i just dont know why he's suddenly like this.."- mumbles vettel sr   " we are drifting apart... kimi, he hates me "- sobbed Sebastian ... all of a sudden a phone alarm made the older vettel jolt awake to find himself in his room with sounds coming from the outside.." that was weird.."- he thought as he realized it was a dream and headed to fresh himself up.

Lewis chuckled when Sebastian talked about his eventful dream " that explains your hair being a mess"- teased michael the younger guy " it felt so real.. anyways where are those devils ?"- he asked about his son and his friend son "playing on the simulator.. "- replied kimi taking a seat beside the Brit " bwoah these kiddos are so into the game.. its been 2 hours already and they refusing to take a break.. robin joined them too"- complained the ice man  " hes gonna he like them.. mark my words"- smirked lewis teasingly  " no i wont let that happen "- kimi ate another spoon of his icecream , Sebastian took at as a chance when he looked away and took it from his hands eating some making the finn pout  " sneaky little— thats mine!"- whined kimi while Sebastian laughed eating the ice cream .

Sebastian and Michael took the younger guys to a restaurant  " papa, i want the  barbecue steak "- said mick pointing at the menu  " and you two?"- he looked at arthur and lance  " for me i want  chicken pasta with alfrado sauce "- said arthur as he continued the game on his phone making his father pull it away " daddddd"- whined vettel jr  " no phones that's final you three kept playing all day that we didn't see you until i said we should hang out "-  Sebastian said " ok .."- pouted the son while his friend laughed at him... a bit after some fans wanted a picture with the f1 drivers and ex drivers then gave them their privacy.

" you have some sauce.."- arthur reached to a tissue and gave it to lance " thanks.." - the canadian wiped his mouth as he continued to eat enjoying their company  smiling softly  " lan.. you can stay longer if you want"- smiled vettel sr  " thank you Sebastian..i really dont want to return home to be met with dad.."- he confessed mumbling  " max is gonna arrive tomorrow.. his jet got delayed "- said mick  " oh ok"- replied Arthur.

To be continued
End of chapter 24

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