Chapter 8

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Warning(s) : murder, guns, attempt on drowning, dead corpse


"But- "

"I said no. "

As Dazai trying to convince Kunikida to pay for his debt (again), you just sit in the corner of the agency silently.

Apparently you were spacing out.
Hmm Atsushi's not here. Ohhh- yea...
Maybe you avoid the Mafia's attack and get tf out of here now.

But where's the fun in there? PLUS you can meet the Black Lizard.

So... You stayed in the agency.

Ok. You are now bored asf. You turned to see Ranpo eating his snacks.

Anyways let's see what's Atsushi doing:

"Maybe it's better if I leave... "


"... The agency!! "

Just as Atsushi ran up to the agency's office, he was shooketh.

Kunikida hurting an old man we see, not slay.

Kenji fight fight and sit on ppl then hold on a gun. Slay Kenji.

"Uhh... "
Atsushi then side-eye to find where tf are you.

"Again!! Again!! "
You were spinning the chair Ranpo is sitting on.

"Yayyy!! "

"... "
Atsushi is speechless.

"Took about time you come back, brat. Now where the hell were you-?!!"

Atsushi flinched and started crying.

"Oi you... Are you crying? "

"No!! "

"Well clearly you are. "

And then weeeeeeeeeeee you spin Ranpo again.

"That was fun. You should be honored for getting to spin the chair of the best detective in the world!! "

You just nodded and see Kenji throwing the Mafia people out the window.

"One... Two... Three!! "

Ok then bla bla bla oh Ranpo got a new case?

"Atsushi, go with Ranpo. "

"E-eh?! Being a detective's assistant is such an honor... "

"Don't be silly!! I don't need an assistant!! "

"Then why..? "

"Cause I never bothered to learn how to use the train. "

"Oh. "

"Well do you mind if I tag along? "
You suddenly spoke, making everyone turn at you.

"Sure why not. "

Then you guys weeeeeeeeeee to the murder scene by a train.

Dayum. Why did I tag along. I know the plot. Meh idc.

Anyways the victim is a female police officer who is said to be killed at this day's morning. With three gunshots on her chest and stomach.

"How tragic... "

"The victim was floating in the water until some nearby passengers spot her and reported to us. "

"Hmm... "


"Another victim??!!! "


"Dazai??! Don't tell me you tried to drown yourself again... "

"Oh I would never!! Suicide isn't fun without a beautiful woman to suicide together!!"

"Then what are you..? "

"Oh! I was just simply drifting along the river!! "

"HUHH?? "

Yup, typical Dazai bs.

"Oh my~ You are also here. "


"Oh such tragic fate!! Just my heart couldn't bear to look at this dead beautiful woman!! Oh my how could-"
As he continues to blabber about bs.

"Who is he? "
Said a police officer with a deadpan face.

"A colleague. "

"... "

Yup, you got too bored and left.

Hshshhshshsh this is an early update to make it up for my past 2 months of disapearance I mean it probably didn't make up much but I'll try and update frequently Don't question the image I chose

-Crystal out

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