Ch 12 Grimm's Glare

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Oscar's POV:

That idiot's gonna get himself killed! What is this moron thinking? He doesn't even know the destructive capabilities of the Grimm! That thing could tear him apart. The people of this world don't know how to handle Grimm, but I do. I can't stop him because I was told to stay here. The Feilong would end up killing everyone because of Cardin's actions. I don't know how Grimm fares against the magic of this world, but if the dragon reached this far into the town, then it must not be good. I can't help but wonder what effects it does have on Grimm.

If magic could stun or slow it down, that could help, but if the Grimm is immune to it or has some kind of resistance, the people here are in danger. Since I'm the only one with combat training, only I can fight it. But wait, Qrow and Tai have weapons to fight monsters. Why do they have weapons in a world of magic? If I had my weapon here, too, I'd be able to fight it without problem, but I left it back in Remnant. Man, this day is just going from bad to worse.

3rd Person POV:

The Sea Feilong was running rampant in the city. It blasted fire and lightning in all directions, setting houses, stores, and the forest ablaze. Many magical creatures ran away in fear, while some of the mages in town launched an attack at it, but their spells didn't stop it. It spread its wings and began fanning the flames everywhere, causing thick clouds of smoke to billow into the sky. Many residents hid in their homes or underground cellars, while those who had no place to go used magic to hide themselves. The Grimm stalked through the buildings, sniffing the air and smashing walls with its body.

It peered everywhere to find people, but no one was in its sights. It was about to fire another blast when it sensed negativity radiating from a large building. Its sensation was so alluring that it forgot about the nearby buildings and people and charged straight for the negativity beckoning it.

Ruby's POV:

Ozpin ordered everyone to move to the practice arena since it was more fortified. As we moved out, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was Cardin. He was moving towards the exit under the radar of the professors. I rushed to tell Dr. Oobleck, but it was too crowded, so I went to get Cardin myself.

"I can't believe almost all my staff in the classroom," I heard him scoff as he headed towards the exit.

"Cardin!" I called out to him.

Cardin turned a scowl on his face. "What, Red? I don't have time for chit-chat."

"You can't go out there alone. It's too dangerous!" I urged, concerned for him.

Cardin scoffed, brushing off my warning. "I don't need advice, especially not a little girl."

I frowned, frustration building. "This is not about age, Cardin. We need to stay together, or we'll all be in serious trouble. Just go to where everyone else is, and the teachers will find a way to get rid of the monster!"

Cardin stared at me, and then he started laughing. "I never pegged you for a cowardly little red." Cardin's dismissive laughter echoed through the hallway. "I don't need anyone's help. I can handle this monster on my own. Unlike some people, I'm not afraid."

I sighed, realizing Cardin wouldn't listen. "You're being reckless. Running headfirst into danger won't prove anything. Please, Cardin, think about the consequences. If you fight that thing, you're just going to lure it to everyone else and get us all killed."

Cardin gave her a condescending look before turning away. "Save the lecture, Red. I've got a monster to take care of. Then I'll be way better than that stupid farm boy everyone's been fawning over."

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