Ch 14 Legacy of the Huntress

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Oscar's P.O.V.:

"Oscar, what are you saying? That my mom was from another world like you, too?"

"Don't you dare make accusations against my wife!" hissed Tai, "she'd never hide a secret like that from us!"

"I'm not accusing Summer of anything; it's just with what I've seen—"

"And what have you seen? My daughter's eyes? That's not enough to claim that her mother came from where you're from, Oscar!"

"She probably didn't know how to say it."

"What would you know!? You never even met her!"

Tai slammed his arm on the wall, causing the room to shake. Ruby fearfully retreated into Yang's arms. "Daddy?"

Tai saw the frightened look on his two daughters' faces and calmed down.

"I'm sorry." Tai calmed down, and his expression turned somber. "I just...knowing that there was so much of Summer I didn't know, especially since... she's gone, and now hearing someone tell me a potential piece of her past has me all shaken up."

"I shouldn't have said that," I apologized, "I never met Summer and yet accused her of something when I didn't know anything about her. Maybe she isn't from Remnant. Maybe her eye color is unique and happens to exist here, too."

"Yeah," said Ruby, trying not to let her voice crack, "maybe it's all a coincidence. Maybe mom isn't from Remnant but shares a trait with people from there? Maybe what you said about her isn't true?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"I'm afraid that Oscar's telling the truth," said Ozpin calmly.

We all stared at him in disbelief.

"W-what!?" exclaimed Ruby.

Ozpin leaned forward, steepling his fingers. "Summer Rose did come from Remnant."

We all gasped. Ruby's family had mixed expressions on their faces. Yang's gaze held no emotion, a cold, steely stare. Tai's jaw clenched, his eyes burned with fury, his hands trembling with anger. Qrow, on the other hand, looked angry but with a weariness that suggested he couldn't muster the strength to feel. In stark contrast, Ruby looked like she wanted to scream; her hands subtly trembled, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you serious, Oz?" growled Qrow. "You had a secret like that about Summer, and you never told us?"

"Summer wanted me to keep it a secret until the time came, and it seems like now is a good time."

"Why didn't you at least tell me?!' Tai yelled, 'I was her husband! I had a right to know!

"I agree with Tai," Ozpin said, sounding guilt-ridden, "but I promised Summer I would not say anything, and I kept my her final request of me."

"How—how could you?" Ozpin lowered his head, grappling with his betrayal, while Tai clenched his fists in anger.

Ruby looked shaken, and Yang couldn't help but stare emptily at her feet. Their friends didn't know what to say. Clearly, they cared for Ruby and her family, but it seemed they didn't know how to help her.

"'Uh, Mr. Tai,' I asked nervously. He slowly raised his head, meeting my gaze. 'How did you and Summer meet exactly?'"

"Well, many years ago, Qrow, Raven, and I were walking through the woods near my house and saw her passed out on the ground." Tai had a memorable look in his eyes as he recalled the story. Wait, who's Raven? "We brought her to my house and took care of her. During the time she stayed with us, she got to meet Ozpin. She went to the school here, graduated, and then after a few years...we had Ruby."

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