1 | The Innocent Angel and the Big Bad Wolf

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"Hey, Chan. You've been glaring at that dude over there." Minho pointed at the said person with his lips.

"I wouldn't say he was glaring though." Changbin commented.

Chan's eyes were fixated on the boy with silver hair and chubby cheeks wearing glasses.

Was he in love?
Not that he knows, so no.

Does he wanna bully the boy?
He'd be a real bastard if he did such a thing to a weak and fragile boy.
Not that he wasn't a bastard in the first place.

Well, if it isn't the last two, then is he interested?
Half yes, and half no.

If it's not that, then what really is it?
Trust me, neither does Chan know.

"Oh look, it's that playboy. Hwang Hyunjin, was it?" Minho pointed to the said person.

"Yeah. I think he's dating that boy Chan was staring at." Changbin replied.

"One, I was not staring - or glaring. I'll add that I was not interested or anything in that squirrel-looking boy. Two, to reply to Changbin's question, yes, that Hwang is dating thay boy. Though I presume that Hwang over there is just in for the fun of it. Probably sucking that boy's money dry."
Chan spoke to the two while spinning his chopsticks around the bowl of the beef stew served in the cafeteria for lunch.

He wasn't really right, but neither was he off the truth. Jisung was born in a diamond spoon. His family owned multiple businesses in the industry, though not a lot know about this since Jisung never really talked about it. Only Chan knows, since his uncle's family is well-acquainted with Jisung's family.

"I must say, that little boy sure is dense. I mean, has he not heard the rumors? That Hwang just plays with people's hearts like cards." Changbin replied.

"Let's just let them be. It's not our business anyways." Chan declared, making his other two friends sit in silence as they ate their lunch.


"Hey baby." Hyunjin greeted at Jisung, who was slurping down the beef stew.

"Hyunjin." Jisung spoke in a low voice to the older who was sitting next to him.

Hyunjin placed his chin to his palm and stared at the boy who was stuffing food in his cheeks, clearly admiring the silver haired boy's cuteness.

"Sung-yah, why are you so cute?"

Jisung's face went red at the flirtatious comment.
"H-hyun..you know I'm not-"

"Not what? Not cute? Are you saying I'm wrong?"

"N-no, not that-"

Hyunjin leaned forward and cupped the boy's cheeks.
"Sung-yah, listen to me. You're cute, alright? To me, you're the most beautiful angel in this world. You're so pure and innocent."
'And naive'. Hyunjin thought.

Jisung was touched at the comment. Never once had he felt loved, ever since his nanny left his household.

Jisung was never given the parental love from his own parents. Even when he was little, when he craved love from his parents, he would always get ignored.
He would be told by his parents that they were busy, or not now.

Having Hyunjin enter his life was a great blessing for the love-deprived boy. He gave Jisung exactly what he wanted, which was love. In exchange for Hyunjin silently sucking Jisung's money off.
Whenever they had dates, Hyunjin would say that he forgot his wallet because he was 'too excited' or 'blinded with the excitement of going on a date with you ' or something along the lines of that. For that, Jisung would have to treat Hyunjin for every single date they would have.

Hyunjin wasn't poor. He was actually quite rich, but compared to Jisung's family, his family was no more than a speck of dust.
Hyunjin never knew Jisung's family background. He was never interested.
He only dated the boy because he was 'fun to tease'. He was also like Hyunjin's 'personal butler' and Hyunjin's 'personal wallet'.

That's what others had said, but Hyunjin told Jisung not to listen.

Of course, Jisung obviously didn't listen. He was blinded by love - his heart deprived of love, rather. His heart was so deprived, even the slightest bit of kindness you give him would make him feel grateful for the rest of his life.

"Hyunjin..I- thank you.." Jisung said in a low voice.

He was always like this. Grateful, kind, humble, gentle, obedient - almost like an angel. But he was naive. He had always looked at the good in people. He never doubted people, never judged them for their wrongdoings.
He would easily forgive. You can even tell him to buy you a cup of coffee and he'd pay for it with his own money and hand it to you, while you just have to sit down and wait.
You could even shout at him for 'being slow' and he'd apologize for it.

He never failed in academics. He was the top of his class, and his school. He would always read books and study to distract himself from his loneliness.
Sometimes he would even read romance novels. That's his favorite.
He would use books to drift himself off from reality's chains.
To be one with the characters in the book, to feel the butterflies as the two protagonists confess their love, to feel the fireworks light up the dark starry night sky as they kiss.
To feel love
With his true love.

But he had never gotten to face the dark side of people.
The people that would take advantage of his naivety.
The people who would make fun of him.
And the people who would trick him into their play.

He lacked self esteem.
Self respect.
He failed to see the bad side of people.
He was a white unstained lily flower.

He was the kind and innocent angel, and he was the big bad wolf.


Just to clarify, Channie, Minho and Changbin are the same age . They were born in the same year but Chan in this book was born in January 1, that's why the other two call him 'hyung', which is 'older brother' in korean. Chan here will be as tall as Hyunjin (to give him some pride lmao. Not like he's bad irl. I love my *height just right* king.)

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