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"I-i can expla-"

"There's nothing to explain, hyung."


".. I've already confirmed my suspicions."


So Jisung..was skeptical about my love for him?


"Shh, Chan-sunbae..leave him be, he's not worth your time..-" Lia told me in a softened voice.

Though it was softened, I could still feel the thorns and the slight smile corrupting her face.

I hurriedly pushed Lia to the ground and chased after Jisung. Through the hallways,.. the fields, the campus..I couldn't find him.

I went back to the classroom to try and get something out of Lia if she had done anything to Jisung, but on my way, I found something.

On the ground, with it's pendant shimmering bright.

The flower ring I gave Jisung.

I..I really broke my promise.

Though I do love him and it was Lia who forced a kiss on me, I still broke it. I promised I'd make him happy, yet what have I done now?

The fucking loser you are, Chan.


"..really? Haha! You should've seen his face when-" Minho spoke to Changbin, laughing.

He noticed a familiar figure approaching and turned his head. "Oh, Chan-hyung! Where's Ji-"

Minho froze. His bright gummy smile faded away as he saw Chan's reddened eyes releasing trickles of tears.

"Chan-hyung, what happened?" Changbin asked the male.

"..have you seen Jisung..?" Chan asked the two.

"Uh..no..? Why? What happened-"

"I broke my promise." Chan said as his knees fell to the ground, covering his teary face with his palm.

The two cousins approached the crying male and pulled him into a warm hug, soothing him.

"I..I p-promised I'd make him happy - yet, what have I done? I- I made him cry. I hurt him." Chan ranted.
"I'm the worst.."

Hearing such words from Chan made the cousins' hearts fall and break. Never did they expect their friend to be this fragile once he reaches a certain point.

"Chan-hyung, you- you have reasons to do whatever, okay?" Minho spoke.

"But those reasons aren't valid!" Chan retaliated.

"Look, hyung. Just- okay, tell us what happened and we- we can help you judge if your reasons are valid or not, alright?" Changbin said.

Chan slightly nodded at the male's suggestion, then wiping his tears off of his face as he positioned himself comfortably in the grass.

"I.." •


"..so that's what happened..?" Minho asked the elder.

His Happiness || Chansung/BangHan Where stories live. Discover now