19 | Confirmation

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"..sung. You've been zoning out lately." Chan said, softly brushing Jisung's silver hair as the boy lied down in Chan's bed.
"What's wrong?"

"It's..nothing. I just have a lot on my mind." Jisung answered.

"Y'know, if you keep things locked up inside you, it'll overflow. It's better to speak it off, but if you don't want to, then that's fine. I just want you to know that my ears are here to listen to you." Chan said as he pecked Jisung's forehead.

"Yeah. Thanks, Channie-hyung." Jisung responded, kissing the tip of Chan's nose.
"I love you."

"I love you too, angel." Chan smiled.
"Wanna turn off the lights now?"

Jisung hummed.
"Aight." Chan said, slowly standing up from the bed and reaching for the switch.
"Goodnight, love."



'See, I shouldn't doubt my boyfriend.'

'He'll never lie to me..'



"So do we go back to your house for you to change?" Chan asked Jisung, who was lying on the couch.

"No need. I brought my uniform."

"Is that so. I'll just go take my things from upstairs, you go get ready now. We'll go straight to school."

"Alright, Father." Jisung joked, giggling.

Chan folded his lips into a straight line, indicating Jisung to go now before he gets attacked with kisses and tickles.

With laughter filling the room, Jisung hurried to the doorway and wore his shoes, taking his bag from the floor and heading outside.

A few minutes later, Chan arrived shortly with keys in his hands.

And of course, Chan opened the door for Jisung to enter.
"Wow, I never knew Father was a gentleman." Jisung giggled, sitting down his seat.

"Expect kisses and tickles from me in the afternoon, love." Chan said as he started the car.

The drive to school wasn't so loud. It was rather quiet. But neither of the two were uncomfortable.


"Oh, come on, not again-"

"Noo, Sungie, my baby, I'll miss you so much~" Chan whined, kissing Jisung's face all over.

Jisung held Chan's cheeks together, looking at the ginger straight in the eyes.

"Channie-hyung, I'll be seeing you in the afternoon." Jisung said before kissing Chan's lips and running off to his first period, leaving Chan speechless.

Chan touched his lips slightly, breaking into a smile.
"Cute,." Chan muttered.

"Oh my god, THE famous Chan is whipped!"


"•••and that's how the Han Dynasty ruled." The teacher concluded.

He clapped his hands twice, earning the class's attention.
"Now, now, students, today, I have a project for you to do. It's a group activity, and I want you to ... summarize one of the dynasties of Korea. Choose only one, alright? I'll be assigning you your groupmates."

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