12 | Cheesecakes, Stuffed Toys and.. Chan

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"Jisung, do you want the almond cheesecake or the oreo cheesecake?" Chan asked the silver haired boy, eyes boring holes at the cheesecakes in front of him.

"Almond, definitely." Jisung spoke with no hesitation.

"Jisung, we should definitely go to the arcade. It's these days that the place is almost dry of people." Changbin shared to the group.

"Really? We should go right after!" Jisung replied excitedly.

"Here's your cheesecake, Jisungie." Chan said behind the boy, handing him a package of the cheesecake.

"Don't.. don't tell me you paid for this-"

"Well yes, I did."

"Why? You didn't have to, I have my own money."

"And so do I."

"But you should've-" Jisung was cut off bt Chan, hushing him and placing his index finger to his lips.

"Darling, I spend my money how I want to. If I say I'm paying for this, then I'm paying. If you're gonna say no, then that means you're rejecting my kindness." Chan exclaimed, lifting his hand to Jisung's face to tuck his hair behind his ear.
"If you'll be happy, then I wouldn't mind even spending billions."

Jisung felt his face flush.
'How can this man be so..angelic?' He thought.

"..thank you." Jisung whispered to the ginger haired boy, only low enough for him to hear.

Chan smiled at the bashful boy, admiring his cute little gestures. Him fiddling with his fingers, pouting lips and puffing cheeks.

He let out a light chuckle as he approached Jisung and tapped his shoulder while motioning the two cousins behind them to follow.

"Let's go to the arcade." Chan spoke to the boy.


"Fucking hell." Changbin muttered under his breath.

"Bitch don't curse." Minho warned.

"But hyung, you cursed." Jisung suddenly spoke behind Minho, making the latter jump in surprise.

"J-Jisung, where did y-" Minho spoke, surprise visible in his tone as he pressed his palm to his chest.

Jisung held up a toy.
"I won this from the claw machine, so I figured I'd come here to check om you guys."

Chan approached the group and held Jisung's shoulder.
"What's the fuss about?"

"Minho-hyung cursed." Jisung spoke in a nonchalant tone.


"I will break your neck once Jisung hears another curse from you two." Chan warned the two, leaving them with eyes widened in shock.

Chan entwined his fingers with Jisung's and held his hand, pulling him to karaoke machine.

"Wanna sing?" Chan said as he handed Jisung a mic.

"..Sure." Jisung smiled at the boy.

The two selected a song and sang it for the crowd to hear.

Their voices created the perfect harmony, light and bright, high and gentle.

"Really, I can't express how I'm so grateful to meet you.
You're so beautiful, like a white lily.
I love you so much, and you don't know it.
So many great things about you, and you deny it."

The song described so much, they had sang it with their hearts. Each lyric had different meanings, but Chan and Jisung sang it with one - Admiration. Admiration for eachother. Seeing many more beautiful things about the other, that other people don't see - that other people don't even care to see.


"I never knew you could sing." Jisung said to Chan.

"Neither did I. It's honestly been a while since I sang. Glad it's still here."

"You sang since childhood?"

"Pretty much. You?"

"Oh..I can sing. Just..not in front of anyone else. You're the first one I sang with." Jisung smiled to Chan.

"Glad I took your first." Chan chuckled.

The two had started giggling out of nowhere, eventually laying eachother's heads to the other's shoulder.

Chan's head leaned to Jisung's shoulder, with Jisung laying his on top of Chan.

Jisung heavily sighed.
"..a few weeks ago, I desperately avoided the arcade."

"Why?" Asked Chan, taking Jisung's hand and fiddling with it.

Jisung tightened his grip on the wolf plush toy on his other hand, before his grip went back to normal.
"I...felt like I was betrayed."


"I was with my..friends, if you could even call them that. Some were girls, some were boys. Soohyun, a girl from the group, had told me about her secret - that she liked Jaesoo. Jaesoo knew from the start and was going to reject her, so he did. In this arcade. And I was blamed for it."

Chan paused for a while.
"Jang Soohyung?"

"..yeah." Jisung hummed.

"Well, she's known for being..immature. But that still doesn't excuse her from being a bitch."

"I guess."

Jisung held Chan's hand, and pressed his lips to the ginger haired boy's palm.

"I can't even describe how I feel so at home with you." Jisung exclaimed.
"You..when I'm with you, I feel so warm, and knots would tie in my stomach. When I'm around you, I feel so..safe. You handle me so gently, like fragile glass. You're so considerate, so kind, so gentle, yet everyone chose to hate you. You're so smart and beautiful, yet people chose to despise you. People can't see the things I see. And Chan - what I see in you..is a kind, gentle, and beautiful human being. You're mischevous, you deceive, you pull jokes on people..all the things people say would be bad to be seen in a man, yet I found myself loving that. I found myself loving each and every face you wear, each and every emotion you express, each and every action you take."

Jisung cupped Chan's cheek.
"I found myself loving you."

To say Chan was confused was an understatement. He didn't even expect Jisung to say such words. He didn't even expect Jisung to fall for him.

"..why? Why fall for me, when there's so many people other than me?"

"Do you think I can find another Chan with the same personality?"


"Exactly." Jisung cupped his other cheek, now cupping both Chan's cheeks. Jisung turned to the side, legs crossed to face Chan.

"Chan. I'm doing my very best not to cry. I like you. I won't force you to say anything, but pl-"
Jisung was cut off by Chan, whose lips were attached to his.

Chan held the back of Jisung's head, deepening the kiss. Jisung felt fireworks go off as they moved their lips to the rhythm, filled with sweetness, love, care, and affection.

Chan pulled back, holding both sides of Jisung's head.
"Jisung, I like you too."

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