25 | His Psychotic Duality

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The same afternoon/dusk (after classes)

Chan sat cross legged at the windowsill of the classroom, smoking a cigarette as he looked outside.

The classroom was empty, which would make for a perfect meet-up. Thus, Chan remained as he waited for his unwanted guest.

The door opened, revealing a girl with long hair.
Chan looked at the girl to confirm, whether it was his supposed guest or a random bypasser.

"Took you too fucking long. Are you an ant or what?" Chan scoffed.

Lia's legs were trembling with fear.

This was not the Chan she expected to see.


"Don't you fucking call me sunbae, rat. I'm rather surprised you're still here, when I expected you to be exterminated already. Do I have to feed you pesticide so that you'll be out of my fucking sight?" Chan spoke intimidatingly, breathing in his cigarette and blowing it to Lia's direction.

"Trash like you should be in their respective places, no?" He added.

Lia could only bite her chapped lips in fear. She couldn't say anything, as words would refuse to come out of her mouth.

"What, cat got your tongue? Where's the wench that had the iron tongue to spit lies to my lover?" Chan laughed mockingly.

"You're more of a pathetic bitch than I thought you'd be. Fucking pathetic."

Lia's eyes glistened as she felt tears drop down her cheeks. She balled her hands into a fist, her nails digging through her palm enough to cause a wound.

"Oh? And I thought you were so confident, even daring to lay a hand on Jisung with the thought of separating u-"

"Chan, I love you!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the room.

"I've- I've loved you more than my sister did! I could have done so much for you..why- why?! Why do you all choose her over me?! I'm better, she's worse, I'm better, I deserve better!" She shouted, tears continuously streaming down her face.

She dropped down to the floor and cried endlessly, as Chan could only watch with a blank face.

He giggled, and his giggles turned into a mocking fit of laughter.

"pft, hahaha!" He laughed.
"Do you, eh, did you really think I'd say yes to you some time? No. Never, fucking never!"

"I loathed you ever since you attempted to kill Louise. Even now that I don't feel anything for her, I still loath you, not because you hurt Louise -- but because you hurt someone I loved with my whole being. And now, Jisung? My hatred for you only deepened now, Yoon Lia."

Chan stood up and slowly walked towards the wailing girl.

He crouched down, to look lowly at Lia.

"You're nothing but a fucking loser." He mocked, placing the butt of the burnt cigarette to the girl's forehead.

Lia could only wince and cry at the stinging and burning pain.

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