22 | Distractions

462 21 14

(A/N: Italicized text [just like my author's note] indicates thoughts or POV of that certain character, just in case you're confused ^^)


The past two weekdays went by so fast. The only thing I could remember was the notes I took during classes.

I had avoided Chan, and the other two. Strangely, the two had not bothered me the least bit, and Chan was absent.

I guess Lia really was right.

It was a prank, just to toy with my feelings.



*ding dong*

"Coming!" Jisung shouted as he rushed downstairs to open the door.

Upon opening the door, Jisung broke into a smile as he saw two familiar friends.
"Come in!"


"So, have you guys thought of what dynasty we'll be working on?" Seungmin asked the other two.

"Han dynasty! I mean, Han Jisung is here after all!" Felix said with a cheerful tone.

"Oh, well, is that okay with you, Jisung?" Seungmin spoke to the silver haired boy, whose attention diverted to the oh-so-interesting wall.

"Huh? Oh - yeah, that- that can do." Jisung responded.

"Ji..are you still bothered?" Felix softly spoke to the boy.

"..yeah. But we're here to do our project, so we should do it. I'll focus." Jisung assured the blond.

"Jisung, if you're distracted, then we can't start our project like this. We can do this in one day, so we can continue tomorrow - after we talk about this. Though I understand if you don't wanna say anything. We'll be here for you."
Seungmin said, gently brushing Jisung's hair with his slender fingers.

"..really?" Jisung muttered, looking up at Seungmin with his doe eyes.


Felix held Jisung's hand, holding it tightly but gently.
"Really." He muttered.

"..honestly, I don't know what to do now. I feel..so lost. I don't even know what I should be doing. I can't recognize my problem. I don't know how to solve it-" Jisung muttered, tears running down his puffy cheeks as he held Felix's warm hand.

Felix gently rubbed circles with his thumb to Jisung's trembling hand, and Seungmin sitting next to Jisung on the couch, caressing his tear stained cheeks.

"I still..love him. I still love Chan..he gave me what I had needed, what I had never experienced before..he was my first, my first at everything. He..he gave me hope, only to shatter my heart into pieces. I don't know anymore, ..*sob*, I don't know what to do.."

"Jisung..just- give yourself some time, alright? uh, wanna hear our thoughts?" Seungmin asked.

".. I'd like to hear yours." Jisung sniffled and agreed.

Seungmin nodded,
"You still..love him, like you said. How about..you hear him out for a little? There's always more than what the eye can perceive. I'm not saying that he wasn't wrong, sure he did something bad, but there's still a possibility it wasn't on purpose."

His Happiness || Chansung/BangHan Where stories live. Discover now