Let's Run Away

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I'm tired.

There's too much weight for my little heart to carry.

Secrets are so heavy to carry. Why do I have to carry other people's burden, so they can enjoy their own freedom while I spend my time in this cage?

When? When is it my time to be happy? When is my turn?

There's this thing in me, that tells me to..free myself from these shackles. A knife.. it's all I need, it said.

But is it really true?
Because when I'm with you, I don't think I need anything else.

I doubted myself.

No, I always do.

I've always been a jar for my 'friends' and their secrets. They place their unspoken feelings inside me, and they flee to another place, leaving me with a secret to hide.

More and more secrets come in. It's becoming really heavy.

I don't think I can go on. I think I'll break if I keep doing this.

But won't I be a bastard if I do? What will they think of me?

Funny. They don't even care, as long as their secret is safe. If I slip even a word, I'll be labelled as a backstabber.

Why? Why did I do this to myself? No, I shouldn't be like this, this needs to stop. I can't keep on carrying other people's burdens whilst carrying my own.

I have to let go, but I can't.

Help me, Chan.

I've had enough.

Let's run away together.

Run away from the cruelty of this world, from the bad side, from the dark truths, from the little white lies. Let's run away to our own little world.

Let's flee to our little world, where only you and I exist. Where we can be happy, without anyone judging us, Without anyone getting sad or pitying us. Where we can be ourselves, where we can do whatever we want, to fulfil and satisfy our little curiosities.

Where we can read each and every story again and again, write our own thoughts somewhere, maybe. Maybe where I can enjoy your cuddles, where you can shower me with your unending love and kisses.

Let's live in our world, where we can bask in the morning sun, not worrying about being late to school. Let's live our own lives the way we want, not worrying about our parents' nagging on how we should.

Let's run away.

Let's be happy.

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