Day 6: Underneath the mistletoe

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Something always happens at a Christmas party. That just seems to be a tradition. Thankfully, Charles had escaped the spotlight for the past 5 years - no matter how much Raven had tried. This year however he was not so lucky. Well Charles thought what it resulted him meant lady luck was on his side but then again it depends on your perception. 

The whole evening, Raven had been staring at him, a smirk on her face. She was planning something, Charles knew that, but he ignored her and continued to talk to his best friend. It was a rare occurrence for Erik to come to the Christmas parties given how adamant he was about not talking to anyone that wasn't Charles so when Charles saw him slink into the room his heart flooded with excitement. 

One thing Charles had noticed about Erik over the many years he had known him he had noticed how tense he was whenever someone was talking to him. Someone that wasn't Charles. He had always wondered why that was however he never asked, favouring to just accept that Erik liked him more than anyone else. Yes this was pretty egotistical to think but it also gave him a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Erik liked him in the same way he liked him. 

"Hello old friend." Charles grinned as he handed Erik a beer.

"I hate everyone." Came Erik's response as he glared at a smirking Raven. 

"Good to see you too."

"I don't hate you Charles."

"I'm flattered."

"Why did I even come here?"

"I was going to ask you the same question old friend, you've never come to a Christmas party before."

"Raven blackmailed me."

"That does not surprise me one bit." Charles chuckled, taking a sip of his beer.

Raven was struggling to conceal her mirth, her brother and his best friend (originally her friend) had evidently failed to notice the large sprig of mistletoe hanging above them. Everyone had been fed up of them tiptoeing around each other for as long as they could remember so Raven decided that she would finally do something as enough was enough ,she couldn't stand their pining after each other for much longer.

"Oi, idiots." She shouted. 

Charles and Erik glanced up, Erik looking extremely disgruntled at having been interrupted while he was talking to Charles. 

"What is it Raven?" Charles asked, rolling his eyes at his sister's antics.

"Look up."

They followed her command and Raven was so glad she had her phone on her to capture a picture of the amazing expressions on their faces. 

"You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to." Charles mumbled, extremely embarrassed. 

"What if I want to?" Erik whispered quietly.

"You want to?"

Erik nodded, his face hung low so Charles' couldn't see how much he was regretting his words. Charles lifted his chin up with his finger and stared into his best friend's eyes, a smile spreading across his face. 

"I'd very much like for me to kiss me."

Erik's shocked face morphed into one full of happiness and love for the man in front of him. Bending close to Charles he breathed "Is this a good time to tell you that I love you?"

"A very good time." Charles responded.

"Well then, I love you."

"I love you too."

With that, Charles wrapped his arms around Erik's neck and pulled him into a deep, searing kiss while their friends cheered, cat-called and in the case of Raven and Logan wolf-whistled. Erik rested his hands on Charles' waised and smiled don at him as they broke apart. 

"I never thought this would happen."

"Me neither," Charles chuckled, "How about we get out of here and go somewhere just the two of us?"

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Erik responded, taking Charles' hand and leading him out of the room. On their way out, Erik did not forget to give Raven a perfectly timed middle finger.

"You're welcome asshole." Came the response that caused Erik to snort and Charles to chuckle, rolling his eyes fondly. 

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