The end(79)

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Suel raised his hands, intending to touch Aaron's chest, but Aaron, quick on his feet, ducked out of reach just in time. A mischievous smile adorned Suel's face as he prepared for a playful interaction. However, Aaron, realizing the potential consequences of their contrasting powers, couldn't resist the temptation.

With a goofy grin on his face, Aaron immediately teleported behind Suel, leaving a subtle ripple in the air. The once clear sky above them transformed into a canvas of ominous darkness. The clouds gathered, swirling and turning as the atmosphere crackled with an impending storm. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the digital landscape."What are you doing? Let go of me!" Suel exclaimed, noticing the energy building up in the darkened sky.

"I wonder what happens when something positive and negative are near each other," Aaron mused, a mischievous grin widening on his face. Suel, now realizing the gravity of the situation, shuddered in fear.

In the face of impending danger, Suel pleaded, "You wouldn't... This guy wouldn't actually do that, would he?"

All of Suel's fears materialized as he witnessed the unrelenting grin on Aaron's face. The charged atmosphere reached its climax as bolts of lightning arced through the darkened sky, converging toward Suel.

The impending shock was inevitable, and there was no denying it now. The electrifying confrontation between positive and negative energies was about to unfold, leaving Suel to confront the consequences of their playful yet potentially perilous clash.

The lightning struck Suel square in the chest, sending a surge of excruciating pain through his entire body. As both Aaron and Suel crashed to the ground, the impact created a sizable crater in the terrain. The aftershocks of the electrifying clash lingered in the air.

As their bodies settled onto the ground, Aaron emerged from the chaotic aftermath, a contagious laughter escaping him like an unruly symphony. He couldn't contain his amusement, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of the unexpected and the joy of the unconventional.

"Hahaha... this was so freaking fun," Aaron exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the broken and destroyed landscape. He sat up with a massive grin on his face, the residue of electrifying energy crackling around him like ethereal sparks.

"Let's do it again! Use that proton glove of yours, transfer all that positive energy into me, and let's dance with lightning one more time!"

His proposition hung in the charged air, and Aaron's eyes glinted with an insatiable appetite for more exhilarating moments. The experience, though painful, had ignited a wild enthusiasm within him. He was on the verge of euphoria, reveling in the unpredictability of their clash and eager to dive back into the electrifying chaos that had unfolded.

"Let play a new game...let call it hunting the game creator.... that a great idea. Let count to 10 before hunting him down "Aaron said to himself as he looks at the beaten body of Suel on the floor with what seemed to be a feral grin.

Aaron's eyes glinted with a feral madness as he stood over Suel's beaten body, a sinister grin stretching across his face. The impact from the fight seemed to have unleashed a disturbing insanity within him, casting an eerie shadow over the scene.

"One..." Aaron's voice echoed with an unsettling calmness as Suel desperately crawled away, the grim determination in his eyes mirroring his fear.

"Two..." Each number dripped with a macabre anticipation, sending a cold shudder through the air as Suel struggled to put distance between himself and the impending threat.

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