𝟎𝟖. hansel and gretel

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( the lightning thief. )
❛ Hansel and Gretel. ❜

THERE WAS SOMETHING energising in Colette's steps. Her adrenaline was heightened, blessed by the moonlight above and able to keep her steady during the miles they walked. It was nighttime by now, and the forest was shadowed in starlight, allowing small beads of light to drip from the sky above. Then, to add to the silvery light of the daughter of Artemis paired with the starlight, a neon flicker observed them from nearby, mischievously twitching faintly. Like an overwhelming tide, the four were struck with the scent of food—deliciously cooked fast food that made their stomachs churn in hunger.

It wasn't a fast food restaurant as Percy had said it may be, instead a roadside curio shop with plastic lawn flamingos beside cement grizzly bears and such. The main building was low and long, engulfed in acres of statuary adorned with small traces of moss. it read, 'ATNYU MES GDERAN GOMEN MEPROUIM'

Standing before it, the four stared with squinted eyes as they attempted to dissect the neon and cursive red writing. the letters were shifting and swapped around into an anagram that they were unable to dissect properly. "What does it say?" Asked the brunette, her eyes flickering over to Annabeth.

"I don't know." The blonde responded, chewing on her lip thoughtfully as she stared upon the sign. From her narrowed look alone, Colette could tell her best friend was trying to figure out the words unsuccessfully.

"Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium." Translated Grover, nodding surely to himself.

Stood almost in front of the entrance, two cement garden gnomes were placed with rusted cement cheeks and frozen little beards. They were smiling and waving, as though they were posing for a photo. Colette grimaced at the sight, avoiding looking at the small garden decorations—their eyes felt eerily observant.

"Hey, hey," Colette frowned as Percy strolled absently across the street, reaching out an arm to tug him back, "what are you doing?" She inquired, sparing a glance to the building behind him.

"Snack bar." He replied simply, his gaze flickering longingly at the entrance, his sad little green eyes over-spilling with a craving for the pleasing smell inside.

Glancing at Annabeth, Colette watched as the girl thought cautiously for a second before nodding her head, "snack bar."

"Hold on, Collie's right." Grover interjected hastily, glaring at the place as though it were mocking him, drawing them them closer when it's intention was hidden. "This place is weird."

Tugging along the brunette half-blood with them, Percy and Annabeth continued to walk closer to the entrance despite Grover's pleas of them to turn around. The satyr jerked in mortification as they passed by a cement satyr—its hands forever enclosed over a set of Reed pipes. "Bla—ha—ha!" Cried Grover, "looks like my uncle Ferdinand. Don't knock," he pleaded in protest, "I smell monsters."

Annabeth gave him a stern yet dismissive look as though she didn't believe anything he said. "Your nose is clogged up from the Furies," Annabeth told him. "All I smell is burgers. Aren't you hungry?" She turned to Colette, "C'mon Col, I know your starving."

That, she couldn't deny. However, Grover still reminded persistent. "Meat! I'm a vegetarian."

"I really don't have a good feeling about this place, guys." Stated Colette, glancing at it with distrust before attempting to pull along the other two demigods though they refused to move. "Let's just carry on. We can find a lake and Percy can catch us some fish or something."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, p.jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now