𝟎𝟗. the poodle protection squad

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( the lightning thief. )
❛ the poodle protection squad. ❜

THE NIGHT WAS MISERABLE as it passed by in aching seconds

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THE NIGHT WAS MISERABLE as it passed by in aching seconds. The ground the group had taken to resting upon was a graveyard of forgotten soda cans and red-solo cups; an obvious party sight for mischievous teens. Not to mention the damage from the rain had left the ground littered with murky puddles. in the shine of the dirtied water, an endless array of light painted over the sky in miles of twinkling darkness that was stretched as far as anybody could do.

Having taken most of the blankets from Aunty Em's, warmth was guaranteed through the warm stitchings of fabric, but not one of them dared to light a fire to light the dampness from the clothes; they didn't really need the fire for light considering their personal nightlight walking amongst them. still, the air held a chill to it that was uncommon for the usual summertime cycle. Their nighttime arrangement had been set pretty quickly after arriving-three of them would sleep, one would keep watch and they'd swap every few hours. The first to take watch was Percy, who volunteered himself up after seeing the tiredness that was spread between them. Annabeth had fallen asleep fast, curled up in the blankets and snoring lightly to herself. Then Grover had used the flying shoes to rest upon the lowest branch of a tree, his back to the trunk and his gaze locked sadly on the stars.

Next to Annabeth, Colette lay on her side under their shared blanket. It was hard to sleep in an unknown environment, meaning the brunette was simply lay there waiting for her mind to finally allow her to sleep instead of forcing her to listen to Percy and Grover's conversation in regards to Pan, God of the wild who Grover had taken a keen interest in. She listened in silence to the way their voices weighed with sadness as Grover brought up his first assignment. His first and failed. And she could hear the realisation in Percy's tone as he pondered Annabeth's arrival to camp. It made her frown, shifting slightly closer to Annabeth even though the blonde was asleep, her ray of blonde curls tumbling out of her ponytail and scattering across the makeshift pillow.

Colette shivered uncomfortably for a moment, her side slightly pained as though she were lay on something edged and rough, too hard to be just the flat surface of grass below her. Placing a hand in the inside of Lee's jacket, she paused as her hand touched an interior pocket that she hadn't known was there. There was something inside, two things actually. Something square-shaped, and something small and seemingly unbreakable.

Pulling them out, Colette was greeted by the sight of a silver ring and a dusty Polaroid picture. The Polaroid was one she hadn't seen in quite while, one that she'd actually forgotten about through her time. It was sweet, one of her and Lee after they'd effectively beaten over half of the Ares children by themselves in a volley-ball match. It was slightly blurry but Colette could practically feel the warmth that radiated through, like the boy himself was leaning over her shoulder with his natural smiley gleam. His arm was strewn over her shoulder, throwing a peace-sign at the camera whilst Colette was staring ahead at where the Ares campers scowled, a light smile on her face as her hair fell across her face in the breeze.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, p.jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now