𝟏𝟏. colette archer, cheater of death

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( the lightning thief. )
❛ colette archer, cheater of death. ❜

IT WAS QUIET, as though time had been dissolved into nothing as it faded through the Mississippi River

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IT WAS QUIET, as though time had been dissolved into nothing as it faded through the Mississippi River. There was lightness in the first moment, effortlessness that consumed Colette Archer in a soothing suffocation. Any thoughts in her head had been emptied, washed away by the water that swallowed her, and for a moment kept just for her, there was silence. Were her eyes closed? She couldn't tell. She couldn't justify anything as she lay in a watery embrace. Why exactly was she here again?

Her lungs were warm and stiff-too warm. Burning. Any oxygen in her blood was slowly being dried as the acres of liquid around pulled her in deeper. But it wasn't painful. The spitfire of anguish in her lungs fell caged and ignored compared the eternal bliss of nothingness that she was pulled into. Was this what dying felt like? if it was, would she wake in the paradise of Elysium or would she forever wonder the fields of asphodel awaiting the reunion of her mother and cousins?

There was loneliness that fell hand-in-hand with the soothing comfort of it all. Her hair was swaying slowly, as though it were being pulled away from her face by a loving touch. She couldn't tell if she was alone-she felt so yet also comforted at the same time. there was a voice in her ear and in her mind, plaguing the facade of comfort the ocean had pulled her into. wake up, she was told, it's not your time to die, star child.

Her clothes were uncomfortably wet and her skin felt alight with liquified flames, pouring through her veins like the stream of the river Styx. If she was dead, drowning was not the way she expected to go. She couldn't leave Will and Lee back at camp half-blood, never knowing the fate of their honorary sister. The same way she couldn't let Annabeth be confronted by Percy as he told her that 'yeah, she fell from the arch and died.'

Percy... the st. Louis arch.

There was fear in her bones as she fell further towards the awaiting graveyard of the riverbed below, it's cold and restless hands grabbing her and encasing her whole. If she was here, then where was Percy? Was he even alive after a fall so great. Well, he had to be. He just had to.

What would her mother, her beautiful mortal mother who's figure would always haunt that San Francisco home say if she could see her now? a pitiful demigod drowning in a river on her first ever quest. Even when she was younger, her mother had never really gotten disappointed with her. But that was when she was younger, more naive. She could imagine the way her mother would shake her head, "who?" She would ask, "No, Colette's not come home in years-I'm surprised she lasted so long."

What would Artemis say. "Colette? That girl's no daughter of mine, just a half-blood who believes she's worth enough to join my hunt." No wonder her celestial being of a mother hadn't chosen her for something as regal as the hunt. She was just a girl-a frightened little girl who was too big for her boots and wasn't ready for the real world. At least she would be a burden lifted once the water had infiltrated her insides. Perhaps it was bittersweet; somebody born to be so legendary having the life drained from her before she could complete one little quest. A prime example of the invincibility demigods believed they had, only to be struck down and left for dead in a watery grave. At least she was free of responsibility.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, p.jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now