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"Do I need to go over the plan again, Kid?" Johnny questioned. Pulling on a bullet-proof vest over his suit jacket. It looked horrible. But if it prevented a loss  I can't say shit.

Everyone was walking on nails. No one - including myself, slept. Too worried about this mission. The joker has been planning everything so perfectly. Making sure each and every move he made led to his winnings and the loss of Bruce Wayne.

"I'm fine." I clipped my gun into the holster strapped on the inside of my thigh. Caluclating everything.

The mission could go every way known to man kind. In the Favour of the GCPD -our way or batman's. And if my theory is right - well let's hope it isn't.

J breaks a vase, shattering it. "Ya can't do what I'm paying ya for? Well then why are you breathin." He snarled. I squeezed my eyes shut. Hearing the echoing bang of his bullet. I've only ever seen him this stressed once. And even then he didn't kill his people, granted I took most of the heat and by that. His cock, while he made my back 'pretty.'

"Alright." I whispered. Looking at Johnny's tense shoulders. "Knock some sense into the goons. I don't want them making his tempter go any wilder. He'll stop thinking clearly." I ordered.

Johnny grinned as he dipped his head. "You really are the boss lady."

I rolled my eyes, making my way over to J. He is isolating himself. His voices getting the better of him and while I can break through them walls he builds up. These moments always leave me unsure not of the relationship - got no. But Arkahms methods. Bruce's methods. It only adds my anger, the knowledge that Bruce has all this money and still, In facilities were people go to get mental health.

While J doesn't talk about his many - many times In Arkham. I can imagine how much of a fuck fest it is. How a man can break out more times then I have fingers is not just beyond me but shameful. I wouldn't even be suprised if they gave him the wrong treatment. Making his mentality worse.

"Daddy." I mumbled, softly walking in. His head snapped up, his scowl smoothly disappearing the more he looks at me.

"Just dolly." He mumbled. "Dolly, dolly, dolly."

I cleared my throat. "I'm sure everything will be fine j." I soothed. "I won't allow you to loose." I mumbled, eyes watering. "I promise."

J turned dark as I stood. "Oh I know you won't fail me."


I licked my lips. Attempting to hide the concern brewing inside me. The Joker is all I have. I cut contact with my family and while I know its a bitch move. I just couldn't handle hiding who I truly have become. who I'm most comfortable being.

Not a monster, Not unless my family needs me to be. But a strong women who won't cower and run When J needs me the most.

It's the least I can do.

I can't loose him. Its became a big fear of mine. To loose someone so special to me like that. It's heart-breaking. But I have to push.

"Remember." I look around, Everyone's shoulders tense. Eyes alert as they scan our surroundings. "No one gets in or out until J rings, don't fuck this up."

I dip my head, grabbing my Gun as the two men closest to the door flings it open and we all spill out. Bystanders rush away, Dipping their heads as they rush to a car or into the nearest building.

I inale, my heels clicking against the Concreart. The adrenaling rushing through my veins, like hot liquid. The goons shoot all the stray GCPD men. The sound echoing through the place like I'm in a cave. Alone, empty and Cold. I shed all forms of weakness. Become the women J needs me to become.

All the GCPD surviving men and women looked like they had seen a ghost. And in a way they are. The plan is simple, we already knew they expected the joker to make a move. But when - how? That was their question, my job is to spook them. Show them that all this time I wasn't dead but right about now they sure as hell wished I was dead.

I run the blade against my finger drawing crismion blood. And I smile, the colour matching my lipstick.

"Well, hello Boys." I sing. "Miss me?" I raised a brow. Looking around.

"You son of a Bitch I thought you were dead." Bullock Shouted. The drawing of his gun didn't go un-noticed as I take a step forward. "That you did." I nodded, tilted my head back. "Yet here I am, being a nice young woman. Delivering a suprise from the big man himself."

My heels click against the marble floor alarming everyone, as I take out the big, laptop.

"By the way security here? Sucks- and your detectives. Even more so." I tap the keyboards playing the video. The audio, loud and defining. Everyone around me, jumping as their pale faces contort. Not knowing what emotion to feel. How to react.

It's understandable if I wasn't in on the whole thing I would have whip lash. Good thing I am.

"AH ha Ha." J cackled. "Jim, Jim JIM." He purred. "I know you're in there hiding behind your Foney men so listen closely." I don't need to look at the screen to know he's showing the terrified man, strapped in a detonator. BOMBS everything destructive.

"I want Bruce Wayne delivered to me at midnight, where it all happened." J sang. "Or all of Gotham Pays."

A count down clock sows up, replacing his face. And with each second, a dreaded tick sounds through the GCPD. And low and behold - him comes out of his office. Hands empty and out in a surrending nature. "Come on melody your a good women. Why are you working with him?" His voice is soft. An attempt at appearing none threading.

I snorted. "Doesn't partner's help each other? You know moral support and all that."

"- You fed us false information." He mumbled.

"Bingo." I grinned. " well - I mean some was true. But what?" I tapped my temple.

"Look the joker doesn't love you he is using you melody. Come with us. I can help you, get you a deal." He pleaded. I narrowed my eyes. "Do not question that man's love for me Jim. I've seen him gut a dude upside down when he looked at me too long." I sighed. "I'm not in the mood to watch it happen again. Couldn't eat properly for a week." I shivered.

Just because I've lived with him and sometimes watched him work doesn't mean I can always stomach it. Because I can't - my morals haven't changed, I still believe that some people don't deserve to die or be punished. But I've seen just how dirty the GCPD really is. And that - that sickens me.

"What has Bruce Wayne ever done to you melody?" Jim questioned.

I glanced back at one of the goons. A sign to keep alart. I wouldn't be suprised if they planned to try sneak up on us. I smiled.

"That is none of your business." I cleared by throat. "Oh and, here is a little present for you. One of my own this time." I took out a little black, flip phone. "I have a really good friend, waiting to hear back from me. If they don't hear the code word me and them have agreed on. They will the hostage." I smiled. "And if they hear the wrong code word - they blow up all of this street killing us all in the process."

"You wouldn't."

"But I fucking would." I pressed.

"You're crazier than him." Bulock spat.

"Crazier? No - no I'm not. I'm just a voice that was heard too late and by the wrong fucking man."

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