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"Your boyfriend blew up Wayne Bank." Bullock slid over still shots of the joker Walking away. Sadistic Grin on his Face and a gleam in his eyes I had never seen before.

"Looks like he's out having fun without me."

Jim, slid another over. "It looks like he's having a little too much fun." And flips it over.

A still shot of him Kissing a woman's neck. She's short. Shorter then me, with short hair. 

I blink. Biting the inside of my cheek. Before laughter pushes passed my Lips. And both men look confused.

"The joker is many things, but he wouldn't cheat on me." If I could. I would wipe the tear away. But my hands tied behind my back and the ache in my sockets Tell me otherwise.

"We have the proof right here. He isn't coming for you." Bullock Blinks. Boredom on his Face. "He found some other woman to torment. your free." he softly said.

"For someone who has been Playing cat and mouse with the joker for Years sure knows little about him." I said. Grin tugging on my lips.

"And why do you say that?" Jim Questioned.

"He wouldn't Play with such a cheap toy." I whispered. eyeing the still shot. 

I knew the still shot was fake. He's too obsessed with me. His head would be too cluster fucked with thoughts of killing any Bystander - then kissing and fucking someone else. not to mention, He kills other women for just touching his arm when I'm around, With me their to calm him down. what would he do if I wasn't there. 

I don't know, something like this never happened before.

The man Has a cold heart, but not that cold to cheat on me. He has proven it. Other women doesn't interest him. I'm a drug to him. The rarest one on the market and all the other women are cheap, every day uses ones.

They do nothing to his System.

"I don't hit women." Jim said. Slamming his hands on the table. "But your making me re-think my morals."

I blink. Glancing at Jim. "You two are running out of Tactics. You bring my sister and brother in law in, you show me an innocent man's death and then with a final Tug of Hope you think showing me a fake still shot of the joker will Break me?" I adjust my ass as best as I could on the seat. It's been dead now for the last few hours.

 "But I've got knew for you boys I will not give up my family."

Bullock Freezes. And then pushes back his chair.

"Maybe that's what you need. To see dear old mommy and daddy."

I Clench my jaw. "Well send them on a plane here. Emily told us all about your last few years with them. Maybe they'll break you."

I smile, masking my raw emotions. it's nothing but a tactic. the joker taught me well enough to know just how horrible they can turn. especially when they are desperate for answers, desperate to be hero's.

 "Bring it on." I can break in the jokers basement. 

in his home, wrapped in his arms. with his cock shoved deep inside me.

Both men leave the Room. And I feel my façade crumbling.

I hadn't even so much as said a word to my parents since leaving. Emily had done that for me. Or so I thought she had. I hadn't even told The joker much about the part of my life.

I didn't know what to do. I could feel my Lungs already refuse air.

And as I close my eyes even for a moment I feel myself become that Lost, weak girl again.

I do the only thing that would ground me. I dig my Nail into my Skin, the pinch only Brining my heart to a steady pace for a moment.

But I could swear I could hear it around the room.

My biggest demons yet will be brought here. I wasn't sure if it was legal, or illegal to do so. But I don't think Bullock gave one fuck about it either.

where are you J?


"If your boyfriend loved you." Jim stood across from me, arms crossed over his chest. "He would have came for you right about now." 

Bullock Looked at his watch. "Been three day's now." He said. "Harley always was back with him by Day two." 

I clenched my jaw. my eyes felt like they burned. I wanted to sleep, but they didn't let me. any time I got so much as comfortable. as best as I could being tied up. they came in, Questioned me. or have a nonsense conversation like this. 

they wanted the joker. they wanted to ruin my trust in him.

but I couldn't. 

he was still that injured man in the alleyway. he was still the man who fed me. who taught me to fight, who gave me my relationship with food back. He opened his room up to me, I knew it was a big deal for him. for us both.

he wont abandon me. 

"Jim." I spoke up. both men's head snap to mine. something like success Swirls in his iris. 

"Shut the fuck up." My voice sounds something like Gravel. "your voice is irritating me." 

Bullock Cackles. "Ya hear that Jim. your voice is Irritating miss princess over there." my scowl deepens.  I just wanted to sleep. Just one hour, even fifteen fucking minutes. but that seemed to be too much to fucking ask for.

Bruce, Opens the door. his Eyebrows Furrowed. his eyes hard and His jaw set as he Leans down, and mumbles something into Jim's ear. I can't distinguish if it's good or bad, Jim's reaction stay's mutual. but when he nods his head. and Bullock Stands. 

Glancing back at me, he narrows his eyes. "Don't go anywhere." He said. 

"Asshole." I call out. where the fuck am I going to go. I certainly wont be able to sleep. they seem to love keeping me awake in this hell hole. 

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