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J narrowed his eyes as He watched me take a bite out of my Eggs. Ever since my episode last night, he didn't let me out of his Sight.

"I'm fine J." I finally Spoke up. My eyes, gentle as I Take a sip of iced water.

"No." He gritted. "Not until they are fuckin' Dead, and cold." He Growled. Tapping his Cane against the ground.

I Pull my lips into a thin line. After everything that's happened, the question I Had been asking myself all day yesterday completely slipped my mind.

But after last night. I needed to do the only thing that would keep me from Shattering completely. I had to kill Emily and David, and move on from that part of my Life Mentally.

"I don't want anything to happen to the child." I said, finally after taking the last bite out of my eggs.

The napkin, only thrown onto the plate when I have the side of my mouth cleaned.

I get up out of the chair, and make my way over to J. His legs, open wide and ready for me to slip Between them.

"Why not?" He Rasped into my ear, as he places a kiss On the Crown of my Head. 

"Because believe it or not, that child did nothing wrong to me." I shruged my shoulders. "Never even met it, so why end it's short Life?"

J hummed as he twirled my hair with his finger. "And if it comes after you in the Future, trying to Avenge mommy and daddy's death?"

I place my lips onto J's Red Painted ones. "Then we kill."

With an out stretched grin, J through his head back. Cackling. "You turn me on." He purred, Biting my earlob.

I couldn't help but giggle as I Slipped out of his Hold.

A scowl Spreads on J's face as He Pats the same Spot on his Lap. His eyes, narrowed Playfully. I Pull my lips into my mouth, attempting to keep my smirk at bay.

"Melody." J Warned, His eye's soften into amusment, as I take a Long step backwards. My hands, cupped behind my back.


While Me and J having fun, lightened the mood. The crawling feeling of Anxiety, spreads through my body once more, as we climb our way down to where my Sister, and parents are.

We are going to kill them, now.

J doesn't seem the least bothered by it, as  he walks through the hall. His chest bare, and his Arkham sweatpands Hang loose on his legs.

His purple Gloves, clung to his hands as he tuggs me along.

Our Footsteps echo through the halls, mixing with the groans and shouts of pain. Goons, every now and then stay beside the metal, rusted Doors. Their Hands, Gripping Guns. And hips, Sporting Knives.

No one could get out of here unless J, himself wanted them too.

It was Comforting, in some dark twisted way.

"Let's make them pay." J purred, his gloved hands Holding the side of my Face, as his piercing eyes Glance into my own. Studying Past the Layers on the outside, and deep into every inch of my Being.

"Leave when ever ya Want." He Leans forward, his soft lips Capturing my own ones. "I'll deal with them." He Hummed, into my Mouth.

A grateful sob Escapes me, as I Nodd my head. Tears, blurring My eyes. Until his gloves Swoops them away.

"Don't let them know they get to you."

I nodd my head, words too much for me to Speak, to much for me to voice the words that swarm my mind. But somehow I know, J already knows what I'm going to say.

"Knowledge is power." With one final Kiss to my temple, J pushes the Metal door open. The creak, slow as it Echoes through the halls.

My mother sobs Greet me instantly, it's almost as Wretched as the smell of Bowels - and puke.

If the joker is bothered by the Smell, his Face doesn't give it away. As He Stalks around my father.

Hatred Burning in J's Eyes as He grips the back of his neck.

"Let's see how ya like it." He snarls, As J grabbed his two fingers. And shoved them down my fathers throat. Instantly, he gags, as tears fall from the side of His eyes.

My father's Wretching Becomes more intense, until his face Blossoms A deep red colour, and he can no longer keep the content of his Stomach down.

Acid, and chunks of Bread, spew all over the floor. I Couldn't tare my eyes off it, it looked, almost identical to the ones I would Throw up.

Barley any food, the majority of it Acid. I really was Starving myself.

Emily was the next to Gagg, but only for A different reason. I was expecting to see J had his Fingers down her throat too, only He Had Wipped my Fathers Reminents of his Stomach, on her Face. More particularly, on her lips.

I involentarally scrunch my nose up.

"Really J?" I stiffle a gag, as I watch him Wiggle his Eyebrows.

"Want some?" He Questioned. Wiggling his gloved Fingers in the air, As He Giggled.

I Send him a Playful Glare, Narrowing my Eyes as I shake my head. He was disgusting at times. It reminds me of our first date, back when he Offered to pull my "aching tooth."

"Melody Please." Emily, Begged. As new tears Mix with the old, dried ones. Her Skin, Pink and Puffed from the Crying. As well, as Red from Blood. Both, new and old.

The Goons really Did a number on them.

I turn a blind eye, Pretending as if I didn't Hear a Word she had Said. If I was going to get through Today, I would have too. There would be no other way.

With glossed eyes, I turn to the door. Only Breifly catching J's eyes. J, Dips his head in aknowledgment as I tug open the Door.

I couldn't watch this.

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