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J came out of The Basment, his chest covered in blood. I don't dare think about who's blood is who, if it was a mixture of each of their Bloods.

A small smile spreads on my lips. He's up here now, It means it's done. There is no turning back the clock. There is no regretting my decision.

I expect to feel Greif, I expect to want to cry. But I don't, I have no tears in my body. There is no flashes of her lifeless eyes, or the Gurgle her throat makes as she takes her Last Dying breath. I feel as I dis when Mark had died, free.

"Thank you." I mumbled, as I walk into J's out-stretched Embrace.

It feels amazing, to have his arms, so warm Wrapped around my Body. As he holds me close. His Body, smells like Metalic and Iron, Buf somehow the smell on him brings me a sense of comfort. I didn't know was possible for It to give me that sense of Protection.

"Don't need to." He Rasped. "I'll do anything for ya." He Cooed, smoothing my hair with his now bare hands.

My bottom lip Wobbles. The fact so many people paint this man in a bad light is Beyond me. Out of everyone in Gotham, the joker seemed to be the only real Person, I have ever met.

Fuck he hasn't laid one bad Hand on me Yet, everyone else - bar the men I have surrounded myself in the Mansion, has always had ill Intent. I don't even know of David Had Pure intent when it came to me.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

But at the end of all this. I needed to put me first.

"You can't-." The Goons, outside shout, As the sound of Bullets slice through the air, Hitting the Four Walls of the outside House.

My blood runs cold, as I glance at J with widened eyes.

"I'm not running." I shook my head. "I'm not letting you deal with this while I hide in Our bedroom and hope that you don't die." I stressed, as I narrow my eyes.

J clenched his Jaw, eyes Drifting past me for a moment, the Shooting bullets, and screams of Agony fade away.

"Fine." He gripped my Wrist, Tugging me behind his back. "Stay close. And shoot anyone that ain't me." He ordered, as he snapped his finger.

One of the Goons Rushing Past, throws the gun, and with an effortless Catch, J passed it back to me.

I grip the gun, eyes shooting around To the shattered windows, and blood Splattered Pillars. This was going to be ugly - how they found us, was one of the Many questions I had in my head. Our location should be Hidden from anyone but who is on the premises. Even the workers that are in the city don't know where we are.

But I Highly doubted there was a Snitch. Too many have tried, and maybe of them died a painful, Horrific Death.

Everyone calls The joker the crazy one, but through all of this I Strongly Realised that it wasn't him. It was the workers that thought Betraying the joker was a good idea. They where the ones that truly lost their mind throughout all of this.

The Mansion, on the outside looks unrecognisable. With bullet Holes scattered everywhere, The glass on cars Gone, as the Mental of the doors Become Disfigured.

I expect to see the bat, but I don't. I see the corner of David's face, peeking beyond the boot of the Black SUV, parked in the far back.

My jaw Slacks, as J grips my hip, Tugging my Back close into the pillar.

"He's got a sniper." J Snarled. Where the fuck would he fit a sniper in their apartment? Not unless the pair moved out after I had fully submerged my life into crime.

But I doubt that, they had money. Yes but not enough to move That quick, and to support a baby? That was very doubtful.

My hands Threaten to Tremble, as they become Slick with Sweat.

This wasnt the time to get nervous.

David was shooting everything that moved, not giving it a second thought. He didn't care who died nor who was injured. And if he finds out, my sister, was dead? He would kill me along side the corpses at My feet.

I tighten my Grip on the gun, the joker already killed three of my family Members. I can't afford to let him kill David too. I had to do the right thing and kill him myself. Perhaps class it as an act of Mercy, if that helps me sleep at night. So be it.

Tipping my head out slightly, hoping J doesn't tug me right back into his side. But he doesn't, too distracted shooting His own bullets, to even Notice.

"Kid! Watch out -."



It was the one thing I had known I have been able to do the last three days. Showering was a challenge, eating was a chore.

Talking to anyone was too painful, like a Knife was lodged in the deepest crevice of my heart.

The Day David Attacked the Mansion was a blur.

I remember Only short moments, the joker holding me. My gun, in hand as I Turn. Ready to take a shot. Only for My body to run cold, as another lands ontop of mine.

A Stiffined body, with Warm substance Pooling from a body part I was too shocked to Register.

Only now, that I see the coffin lower deep into the hollowed grave, do I say goodbye to Johnny. I would miss him, the way he pushed me in training. He kept a part of the joker sane for so long, that now that he's gone, do I fear his Sanity.

The joker, Grips my hand. His eyes, shy off becoming Blood shot. As the Quiet hums of a tune, peer from the side of Land. The rest of the surviving men that Johnny grew close with, stood beside His Coffin. Dirt in hand, as they throw it in.

"It should have been me." I mumbled. My voice low, as my eyes Peer onto the Washed out Brown of his Coffin. Afraid, if I blink. I'd miss him being lowered.

It should have been me. I should have died in his place. The bullet was coming for my Body. I should have been the one bleeding out. But Johnny, doing what he swore to not only me but the joker himself. Did - he protected me with his life.

And now I must carry that burden with me for the Rest of my living Days.

They never would be the same.

"No." J snapped. "Instead of one coffin being lowered today it would be two."

For the first time since Arriving in the Cemetry, I glance at J. My eyes, blurring with hot tears, as a sob pushes past my lips.

"I can't - I can't breath." I whailed. Throwing my arms around His neck.

It should have been me that died.

Not him.

His death was a mistake in the world, one that I wish I could correct. He was a part of my family, one I didn't even know was created until I walked into the jokers Mansion. I will never be able to walk past My old room now, not because he had fucked a woman On my bed, but because he had comforted me in that very room.

Or the drug store he had first met me. Or the hospital room he had me treated in.

Every place I would look, his face would flash across my mind, or the sound of his voice.

His words so clear. "It's okay kid. I'm good with taking the hit." I know it, though it feels wrong.

I should have known better, should have went against my every instinct that day and went up to mine and the jokers bedroom. At least then, maybe. Just maybe he would be alive. And I would only have to make sure my blood family was gone.

At least I would have my Chosen family complete.

J smoothed My hair, his body. Tense, not from the cold. Or the eyes of his men. But the fact he had lost a best friend.

A man he had never once imagined would never be his right hand man.

Gotham will never be the same. 


A:N/ how does my lovely readers feel knowing this is how the book ended?

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