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I grumble as J gentle Shakes my shoulder.

The sleep was much needed but most importantly, so good. I wanted to sleep for much longer but. I knew he wanted me with him when he greated our Guests.

"No." I whined. Digging my head Back into his chest. Only to feel him tip my chin up, and planting a kiss On my lips.

He softly Pushes his Tongue into my mouth. I shift slightly On his Chest, groaning as I kiss him back.

I whimper as He pull's away.

His Hand Harshly Slapping my ass.

"I'm being nice because you where gone for so long. But I will not tell you a second Time. Get. Up."

I sighed. As I rolled off his body. By shoulders hitting the Ground, allowing the Thump to Vibrate through the room.

I pout as I avoid His Grey eyes. Instead I look for my clothes. They where Thrown all around the Place, on Cushions. Beside the unlit fire and Even. Somehow. At the entrance of The living room.

With sleep filled eyes I pad around the room, collecting each item as I tug it on over my Body.

"Why do I have to Get up, I was enjoying that sleep." I sighed.

"They are your guests too. It would be so impolite to Not Great them." He taunted. As he Tugged on his Own pair of clothes.

My shoulders Slump as I nod my head.

I just wanted sleep. But no he wants Me to watch him tourcher my Family.

If I didn't know him so well, I would say he was doing it out torment for me, but no. It's his way, of a Twisted Romatic Gesture. I would love it even more, fuck maybe even be more optimistic if i had an hour two extra Sleep.

But fuck if I didn't admire how good he looked. His green hair Dishevled, his Chest Bare and his dress Suit Trousers clinging to his body.

"you have them all together in the same room?" I question as We Make our way down the hall. 

he hums, as he Tightens his hold on my hand. even though I fell asleep on top of him. he never slept at all, despite how tight his arms where wrapped around me. I knew why. he was afraid I would be taken from him again and there would be nothing he could have done. Because In the corners of my mind I know there is nothing I can do without him. 

I fee powerless when in situations where I don't want to feel so powerless. 

"what about Emily? will you kill her?" I question. 

"Yes." He Rasped.

there was no time for a change of heart. now when we where so close to ending the horrors of my past. if he was doing this, he was Doing it for a reason. I didn't have to like the reason but I will stand by him. 

"Not in front of me." I mumbled. he side glances me as He pauses for a second. "Do ya not want her dead." he Questions. I just barley shake my head. "I'm not sure." I admit. "out of the three of them, emily was the only one who didn't abuse me. she was a mother." 

He was quiet for a moment, and I'm thankful. My stomach swirled with the familiar feeling of Anxiety. I need more then a few short minutes to pull myself together, but I didn't have that. and As much as J would give me anything and everything I asked for. I doubt Prolonging their suffering would be one of them. 

as we reached the door, I expect him to stop. to bring up the topic once again. but he doesn't. he pulls the heavy metal open, and cackles. slowly, and loudly as he opens his arms wide. 

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