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Karlees POV

"There's blood on the side of the mountain
There's writing all over the wall
Shadows of us are still dancin'
In every room and every hall
There's snow fallin' over the city
You thought that it would wash away
The bitter taste of my fury
And all of the messes you made
Yeah, you think that you got away" As my fingers finished strumming the guitar I moved to write down the next set of lyrics, until I'm stopped by the sound of clapping. I look up to see Tom and Rachel at the door.

"Wow!" Rachel was speechless, making me laugh.

Tom just stared at me. Not in a judgmental way but I could tell he was thinking deeply.

"We're supposed to be writing some songs together." She reminded me.

"Right, right. I was just going over the first verse of this song." Rachel walked in to the studio and got comfy while Tom said quick goodbyes and left.

"So the writers have most of the songs written except the one of you confessing your love for Coriolanus, so I wanted your input on Lucy Gray's feelings and outlook on not only Coriolanus but how she writes songs." Rachel took a deep breath contemplating how to answer the question and then explained it all. By the end of the session the first verse was written.

"Okay, perfect. We'll start in verse two tomorrow." When Rachel left I took my place back at me stool and continued on my song.

"But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now
Through wading grass, the months will pass
You'll feel it all around
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now
No, you can't catch me now" again as I went to grab my pen a peered up and saw a lonely Tom in the doorway, he seemed to be zoned out and once the silence became present his eyes snapped up to me.

"Sorry, I just got lost in the song. It's really good." I blushed slightly at his compliment.

"Well I'm thinking it'll slowly get more fast paced as it progresses but it's just so hard to get all the pieces together." I sound completely scrambled in the head.

"Well I don't know how much help I could be but I'm free the rest of the day."

"Probably not much in the writing department, but you'd be good company." We both chuckled and he took the stool across from me. We talked for a bit while I still brainstormed, jotting down notes and such every once in a while. Sooner than I thought the whole song was done. You could tell from the small windows in the room that we'd stayed longer than usual. But it felt like barely any time had passed.

"Bet you thought I'd never do it
Thought it'd go over my head
I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter
Be somethin' easy to forget
Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left"
I looked up from my guitar to see Tom smiling, a smile that brought one to mine. I focused back in on the song.

"You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
You can't, you can't, you can't
There's blood on the side of the mountain
It's turning a new shade of red
Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don't burn the way you'd expect
Yeah, you thought that this was the end" a caught my breath after finishing up the last bit and set my guitar down. I always have to walk around and get the jitters I get while singing out. I just aimlessly walk around with my head down.

A sudden force hits me but I don't fall, instead I'm being held up by Tom who I had ran into like a brick wall. He laughed while pushing some hair away from my eyes. I'd never been this close to him, I took in the features of his face in a new light. His icy blue eyes flickered from my eyes down to my lips and a small part of me thought he was going to kiss me.

"KARLEE!" Hunter? What was she still doing here. I backed away from Tom and walked a it to meet Hunter at the doorway, "Why are you here sti- Oh.. OH!" With that she ran out. I looked back at time with a raised eyebrow, but he didn't seem to know what that meant either. Without word from either of us about what almost transpired, we packed up our things and left to Tom's car.

Driving home in a heavy silence, we both seemed to be in our head thinking about something. I have no clue what it was that his pretty head was talking about..

But all I could think of was his blue eyes on mine and the possibility that he could've leaned in and kissed me.

Slowly working up to them confessing their feelings so this chapter was basically a work up but I wanted to have one just be about Karlee writing a song and stuff so hope you enjoy!

𝗜𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗞 𝗜𝗠 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬|Tom BlythWhere stories live. Discover now