Christmas Party And Gift Exchange

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Elmwood, Vermont

Cheryl was hosting a Christmas party for her friends, Daniel, Michael, Krystal, Suzanne, and Jennifer. A bunch of Christmas tunes were playing on the radio. There was pizza, soda, cookies, salad, and water.

"I love Christmas!" Suzanne exclaimed, eating her cheese pizza.

"Best time of the year!" Michael chimed in.

Cheryl's cat, Elaine, was climbing onto the sofa. She laid there, and took a nap. After everyone was done eating, they were exchanging gifts. Each of them had a tag on them, stating that the gifts were theirs. But, they couldn't open them till Christmas Day.

The party was now over, and everyone left. Daniel took some leftover pizza on a to go plate.

Cheryl and her cat would be alone together for Christmas. Her husband died in a fatal car crash back in September.

It would be difficult for her, but she promised herself that she and her feline buddy would have a great Christmas, no matter what.

And, that's exactly what happened.

This story was written on Friday, December 1st, 2023.

A/N Seems like everyone had fun during the Christmas party and gift exchange! Its sad what happened to Cheryl's husband! 💔💔💔 Not having a spouse for Christmas is heartbreaking! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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