DarthBologna: My friend in South Dakota melted.
Jasmine: Oh dear!!!!
DarthBologna: Why did she have to melt? Why?
Scott: It's perfectly normal to melt. Just yesterday, my aunt melted.
DarthBologna: Oh.
Iris: Yeah, and....... *melts*
DarthBologna: I'm okay now!
Scott: Good! Nothing to worry about...... *melts*
Clyde: Is this like a melting event or something?
This story was written on Friday, December 22nd, 2023.
A/N It's normal for anyone in the fictional realm to melt!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.
Christmas In The Fictional Realm
Cerita PendekHo ho ho!!! Merry Christmas from the fictional realm!! Here are some enchanting Christmas tales to read while Santa is delivering presents to all the good little boys and girls! Get ready for some fun under the mistletoe, by encountering dead alliga...