Steven Will Try To Go To New York For New Year's Eve

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Steven: *looks at the calendar in fear* Only 18 days left in 2023! I gotta act fast! I cannot let 2024 get here! Not on my watch!

Jasmine: Look, 2023 wasn't meant to last for an eternity! We had a good run with this year, but soon it will be 2024!

Scott: Facts! You can't stop time!

Steven: I wish I had the technology to stop time in it's tracks!

Jasmine: You don't! Just try to soak in the rest of the year as much as you can! Just shift your attention to Christmas in the meantime!

Steven: *gets his notebook and writes down his plan to stop 2023 from ending*

Jasmine: *sighs*

This story was written on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023.

A/N Steven, you ain't going to New York to stop the ball drop, and that's that! End of discussion! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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