Chapter 1

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Fire was what I saw as I tiredly opened my eyes. I tried to get up quickly, but my body was just so tired. I groaned as I turned from lying on my back to lying on my stomach. I took a couple of breaths, then placed my right hand on the ground to push myself up. I tried to do the same with my left, but, for some reason, it didn't want to hit the ground.

"Oh..." I said as I looked at my arm to find out why.

Or I would've if it was there.

Yup. My left arm is gone. It seems to have been cut off just below my shoulder.

I don't know how long I stared at it, but...


Whatever that sound was, it snapped me out of my daze. I have no idea what it was, but it was low and very guttural. I did not want to find out.

With a burst of adrenaline, I staggered to my feet and quickly looked around. I looked to be in a rather old country village that looked like it was straight from medieval times. There didn't even seem to be any electricity.

I eventually managed to spot a partially collapsed house that I could possibly hide in.

I limped as fast as I could past the broken front door and hid around the corner. It was not a moment too soon because as I peeked back outside the door, I saw...

Oh my God... Are those goblins?

Sure enough, what passed by were these small, green, rough-skinned humanoids, with pointy ears, and long noses.

What the hell?!

I tried to calm myself, waited, and hoped they would not notice me. I've seen Goblin Slayer! I know what happens to any females they capture!

To take my mind off the goblins, I decided to think about how the hell I ended up in this situation while still keeping an eye on them.

Right... So, what happened before this? I was driving home, really tired from working another sixty-hour work week. I was on the highway...




I don't remember! Everything goes blank after that!

Okay! Okay... calm down...

Breathe in... Breathe out...


Okay... I was tired... I was driving while tired...

Maybe... Did I fall asleep? That... does make sense. I probably fell asleep at the wheel, and then I-


Did I... die?

...I-I don't know.

S-Suppose I did die. How did I end up in this village that's being raided by goblins?

...Oh, Shit! Right! I forgot to keep an eye on the goblins! Where are they?!

I scanned the road, but I couldn't find a trace of them. Suddenly, it felt like something screamed at me to move. I jumped to the side as fast as I could.


An arrow impacted the wall where I was standing, right where my torso had been.

I quickly turned to the direction the arrow came from and saw the goblins there. I quickly bolted out the door and ran in a random direction. The goblins gave chase. I weaved around all the debris from the collapsed buildings, broken carts left on the road, and... some bodies as well. All the while dodging arrows the goblins were firing.

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