Chapter 5

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General POV

"Oh shit... A behemoth..." Ithil whispered.

"Behemoth?" Alfia quickly glanced at Ithil, taking note of the name.

As a former member of the Hera Familia, Alfia knew that name intimately. Behemoth was the name of one of the monsters of the Three Great Quests, quests that were issued to kill the three strongest monsters in the world.

It was defeated when the Zeus and Hera Familias teamed up to kill it. An adventurer named Zald had consumed its flesh to gain power with the use of one of his skills and killed it in one strike. However, Zald was forced to retire after the fight because consuming Behemoth's poisonous flesh weakened his health severely.

And now this amnesiac dark elf knew this monster's name. A monster that neither Alfia nor Cloud had seen before.

Before the two could ask her about the name, the behemoth roared. Red lightning started generating between its two curved horns, and it charged forward.

Alfia jumped to the side, and Cloud jumped in its path because Ithil was too slow to move out of the way in time. The behemoth lowered its head and quickly swiped up with its horns at Cloud. He activated his Flaming Sword spell, imbuing his sword with fire, and tried to parry that attack.

But, to his surprise, he wasn't strong enough to fully parry the blow to avoid any damage. Lucky for him, Alfia hit the behemoth's head with a well-timed sound blast, knocking its head to the side and changing its path enough for Cloud to just barely dodge to the side of it.

"Ithil! You seem to know what this is!" Cloud shouted. "How do we kill it?!"

"Hit it until it dies!" Ithil replied. "Open the gate to the Arcane Tier!" Ithil was suddenly surrounded with spell circles and runes flying around her.

Just then, multiple giant balls of fire formed throughout the cavern.

"It can use magic?" Alfia said.

"Oh, shoot!" Ithil grimaced. "Dodge those, they explode!"

The multiple Flare spells exploded and everyone was able to avoid them. The behemoth turned around and roared in the air. Lightning from its horns and a Thundara shot off toward Alfia, but her magic nullification field negated it.

"Tsk, I'm surprised it's not even dazed," Cloud observed. He'd been hit with Alfia's sound magic before and it was not pleasant, to say the least. So, for this behemoth to tank it with no visible effects was annoying.

"Heat Riser. Regen," Ithil quickly cast some buff spells on everyone. Well, except Alfia. Her negation field doesn't differentiate between helpful or harmful spells.

Heat Riser raised their attack, defense, and speed.

Regen gradually heals them over time.

The behemoth charged again, focusing on Cloud, who took a defensive stance.

"Gospel," Alfia shot out multiple sound blasts from a distance.

"I don't think I have any spells that can do any significant damage to it," Ithil thought to herself. "It's probably best I let Cloud and Alfia handle it while I use some support spells where I can."

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