Chapter 6

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~ Camden Village ~


We got back to Camden just in time for dinner. Of course, we took a bath since we spent most of the day fighting in a cave. After dinner, when Zeus took Bell home, the three of us gathered in the dining room and informed Katie of what we found out.

"Everyone in Westend is dead?" she covered her mouth in shock.

"Yeah..." Cloud slowly nodded.

Katie sighed and held her head in her hand. "I'll inform Lady Demeter. Thanks for investigating and killing the monsters, you three."

"Of course," Cloud said, and Alfia and I nodded.

Katie sighed again and then went to the kitchen to clean the dishes used for dinner.

The three of us were still sitting at the table.

"You know what's going to happen," Alfia said to Cloud.

"Hm," Cloud hummed absentmindedly, but he was paying attention. And he looked... anxious?

"When Gardner sends that letter, the Guild will want first-hand accounts of the new monsters," Alfia stared at him.

"I know," Cloud said and then sighed. "I'll go, but I'm not going to like it."

"You can simply choose not to," Alfia shrugged. "Only one of us really needs to go."

"You want Ithil to go by herself?" Cloud stared at Alfia like she was crazy. "An amnesiac?"

"You know, said amnesiac is right here and would like to know what you two are talking about," I spoke up.

They both stared at me. Cloud was the one who answered. "When new monsters and variants are encountered, the Guild requires that at least one person who encountered them head to Orario to give an account of them."


"To document them, in case they're ever encountered again."

"And why does Alfia want me to go alone?"

"I'm unwelcome in Orario, so I can't go," Alfia answered. "Cloud is acting like a coward." Cloud made a face at that. "So, that just leaves you."

"I'm not acting like a coward. I'll go with her," Cloud retorted.

Alfia simply shrugged.

"So, when do we leave?" I said.

"About... three weeks from now," Cloud said. "Give or take a couple of days."

"Why that long?"

"It'll take about a week for Katie's letter to get to Orario, a week for Lady Demeter and the Guild to do what they need to, and another week for the Guild's letter to get here."

"I see. I guess I'm stuck here for the next three weeks."

Cloud tilted his head in curiosity. "Were you planning on going anywhere?"

"Not... really," I shrugged and slowly scratched my head. "I don't really know what I want to do... I guess I'll try and regain my lost memories... But I don't know where to start."

"Well... What do you want to do in the short term?"

"I guess I'll train," I shrugged again. "Obviously, I need to remember my training in magic, and I strongly feel that I was trained to use a sword."

"I see..." Cloud put a hand to his chin in thought, then stared at Alfia, as if expecting something.

Alfia stared back. The two kept up this staring contest for a minute until Alfia rolled her eyes. "Fine... I'll help train her."

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