Chapter 3

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"Have a seat. I'll get some tea," Katie said, unaware of my inner freakout.

She left the room, and I took a seat across from Bell. Bell was curiously staring at me and about to ask a question, but his grandfather spoke first.

"Well, hello there. My name is Zen, and this is my grandson, Bell," Zeus said politely.

"Ithil," I said shortly, still trying to calm myself down.

"What brings you here?" Zeus said when he realized I wouldn't offer more.

"Uh..." I looked at Zeus and then flicked my eyes at Bell and back at him.

Zeus slowly nodded as he got the message that the reason I was here was not for a child to hear.

"Bell, why don't you head outside and play," Zeus suggested.

"But you said it was almost time for dinner," Bell said, confused.

"Katie and I have some things to talk about. Head on out for a bit," Zeus told him this time.

"Okay, Gramps," Bell ultimately agreed and left.

Seconds after Bell left, Katie returned from the kitchen with a pot of tea and some cups.

"So, can you tell me what happened?" Katie went straight to the point.

"I'm not sure I can. I have amnesia," I revealed. "My earliest memory was waking up after the attack, and everyone was gone."

Zeus' eyes widened at the news. Katie looked at Zeus, and he slowly nodded, and then Katie grimaced.

I think Katie just silently asked Zeus if I was telling the truth, and he nodded that yes, I did. Gods in this world can tell if a mortal is lying.

...And Katie asked Zeus if I was lying...

That means she knows the real identity of 'Zen.' Or at the very least that he's a god.

"Can you tell us what happened after you woke up?" she asked. "How did you know it was goblins that attacked?"

So, I explained everything. Or... almost everything. I left out the part with God and didn't mention the Bag of Holding.

"You're a magic caster? Actually, I shouldn't be surprised," Katie said, probably alluding to the fact I'm a dark elf.

Then, there was a knock at the door, and Katie got up to go answer it. I glanced at Zeus; he was still observing me like he was trying to figure something out. It might have something to do with the Special drawback.

Katie walked back in with someone new. "Ithil, this is Cloud, the captain of our guards here."

I had to do a double-take because Cloud looked a lot like Diluc from Genshin Impact. He was even wearing Diluc's Red Dead of Night outfit. The only difference was that Cloud had shorter hair that went up to his shoulders.

"Is something wrong?" Cloud said when he noticed my reaction. Jeez, he even sounds like Diluc.

"S-Sorry, you reminded me of someone, but there's no way you can be him," I said.

"Oh? Did you regain some memories?" Katie asked.

"A bit," I went along with it. "Seeing Cloud here reminded me of someone named Diluc."

"Hmm, I don't know anyone by that name," Cloud mused. I could tell he was telling the truth. "You said I look like him?"

"Yeah... your hair is shorter, but your face... looks exactly like his," I said.

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