Chapter 8

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I stared out into the distance at the top of the Sheikah Tower that rose from the ground.

I can't ignore the signs anymore.

The Master Sword.


Hylian clothes.

The Keaton Mask.

A Sheikah Tower.

Multiple Sheikah shrines can be seen in the distance.

Somehow, elements of The Legend of Zelda are here in Danmachi.

"Ithil, what the hell?" Cloud said from next to me.

I was going to say something when we both heard sounds behind us, and we turned to look. The stalactite above the pedestal had runes glowing all over it that were moving toward the Sheikah rune, and what looked like a teardrop was forming. Eventually, the teardrop fell onto my smartphone on the pedestal, and the orange lines of energy were now blue.

I walked up to my phone, picked it up, and quickly went to the map app. Orario and its surrounding lands were now visible on it. Cloud was looking over my shoulder to see the map.

"Ithil, I reiterate, what the hell?" he said. "I noticed the Sheikah symbol on the roof of the tower. You have to know something."

"I didn't know these towers existed," I said.

"So, you don't know what they are?"

"No, I know what they are," I shook my head. "I just didn't know they existed."

"...What do you mean by that?" Cloud looked confused.

"You noticed the Sheikah symbol. These towers are part of the story of The Legend of Zelda." I said. "But I thought all the stories I know were just that, stories. I didn't know they were real."

That part is really confusing the hell out of me. How did I get into a crossover world? What kind of changes will there be because of this?

"Where did you learn these stories?" Cloud said.

"I..." I thought over how I could explain without going into the video games. "I saw all the stories in a very similar way I'm showing them to you and the others. I don't remember who showed me the stories."

"So... those videos, as you call them?"

I nodded, and we fell into silence. I was thinking of what changes I might expect.

What happened to all the different races of Hyrule? Are the Hylians now the Elves and not Humans anymore? Are the Amazons descendants of the Gerudo? What about the Gorons, Rito, and Zora? What about the Koroks, Kokiri, Minish, and even the Zonai?

How much time has passed?

"Can you tell me more about these towers?" Cloud spoke up after he finished thinking. Shame, I still had a lot to think about.

"The Sheikah built them to detect signs of Calamity Ganon's return," I said.

"Calamity Ganon?"

"The villain of the second to last story of The Legend of Zelda."

"How many stories are there?"

I had to think it over. "...Twenty."

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise. "Twenty? And I'm only on the second one... Did the Hero reincarnate twenty times?"

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