Interlude 1

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Interlude 1 - People Notice Thing

General POV

Day 21 - Late Night

Today was a fun day.

Today, a group finished the story of a Hero.

Unfortunately, when night came... That day turned sour.

"Start talking, Zeus..." Cloud said menacingly.

Because in the dining room of the mayor's house, Cloud has his sword an inch away from the neck of Zeus.

"What do you mean, Cloud?" Zeus had his hands up in surrender.

"Don't act stupid," Alfia said. She was ready to fire a sound blast. "It's insulting you think we wouldn't notice."

Zeus stayed unusually silent. So, Cloud decided to be blunt.

"What are you planning with Ithil?"

Over these three weeks, Cloud and Alfia got to know Ithil and... there's just something about her. Something about her that makes her easy to trust and get along with.

So, the fact that Zeus has been spying on her for these three weeks is suspicious. Also, Zeus and his plans don't go well together.

"What makes you think I have plans?" Zeus said.


That was the wrong thing to say. Cloud delivered a small cut to Zeus' cheek. It bled gold for a second then quickly healed. Then, Cloud's sword was physically on Zeus' neck, threatening to pierce the skin.

"I have no patience for this game," Cloud said, angered that Zeus was deliberately pushing that button. "Ithil. Plans. What are they?"

Zeus was about to answer another question with a question when he stopped and saw something in Cloud's glare.

In his eyes were emotions he expected, determination, annoyance, exasperation, and more.

But hiding deep beneath all of that...

Was pure, unadulterated...


Zeus knew Cloud disliked the gods; the only exception to this was Astraea. He had hidden his dislike really well behind a mask.

Ask most people what they think Cloud is like, and they'll say he's powerful, confident, friendly, and kind.

That couldn't be farther from the truth.

Don't get Zeus wrong, Cloud truly is a kind person who always wants to help people who need it. But he's also very introverted, very solitary, and, dare he say, very withdrawn. Sure, he was close with Alfia and Bell, but he kept even those two at arm's length.

Now... that hatred hidden in his eyes was the most emotion Zeus had ever seen from Cloud. He has no idea why Cloud feels so much of it, but something told him that he needed to be blunt or Cloud would do something drastic.

So, Zeus came clean. But first, he needed to start with context.

"What did you think of the story of Skyward Sword?"

Cloud scowled. "What does that have-"

"Humor me," Zeus said with all seriousness.

Cloud stared for a minute, then answered. "An amazing story about the beginning of a Hero. I'm just wondering where Ithil heard of such a story. Because I've never heard of Link or Zelda... Or Hylia for the matter."

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