Chapter 7

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Today was the day.

Today was finally the day I'd start traveling to Orario.

I got up early and headed down for breakfast. Katie was already up and had cooked all the food. She was setting up the table, and I helped her finish. Cloud was already here at the table. There were papers spread out in front of him, and he just finished writing something. He gathered the papers, put them off to the side, and the three of us started eating.

If you're wondering why Bell, Alfia, and Zeus aren't here for breakfast, they have their own that they share in the morning.

"So, Cloud. How long 'til we leave?" I said.

"About a couple hours. I got some last-minute things to put together for the guards."

"Then I'll head to the market. Probably do some looking around."

I got up and headed out.

The market was pretty empty. It was still early in the day so not many people were out. People all had their stalls set up and were just opening up. Though, there was one new stall that I hadn't seen before today. So, I decided to start with that one.

When I got closer, I saw this huge backpack sitting next to it. It was about twice my size and stuffed with all kinds of things. There were already items on display on the stall.

"Ah, my first customer. You showed up sooner than I thought. I just finished setting up," said a voice from behind the stall.

Someone stood up, and I had to stop myself from reacting because the person was very familiar.


"So, what are ya looking for?" he said.

"Traveling clothes and a good sword if you have one," I automatically said. I was still reeling a bit from seeing Beedle here because I just finished Skyward Sword yesterday, and Beedle was a part of that story.

"A sword is easy... Here we go," Beedle rummaged through his backpack and pulled out a common steel longsword that looked to be in great condition.

I picked it up and looked it over. It looked new, not used at all, and it looked well taken care of. The leather handle wrap looked new. The length and thickness of the blade were similar enough to the Master Sword, and the balance was perfect.

All in all, a well-crafted sword.

"And as for clothes... Here you go," Beedle took out a set of clothes while I was examining the sword.

I was surprised once again because in front of me was the Hylian Set from Breath of the Wild.

"The sword and clothes are perfect," I said. "How much?"

"Hmm... Let's say... 10,000 Valis," Beedle said.

"That's cheaper than I thought," I tilted my head. "I calculated these to be about 13,000 Valis."

"First customer discount," he waved. "You know what, as my first customer, I'll even toss in this."

He pulled one more thing out of this backpack, and once again, I was surprised.

...Because that's the Keaton Mask.

I grabbed it and ran a Structural Analysis through it. I easily picked up the enchantment on the mask that allowed the wearer to summon Keatons.

And then a memory burst forth.

...Can you keep a secret?


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