Chapter 14

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Sorry we haven't been able to connect lately.  I am at a café writing you this morning, while you are probably sleeping. I've been busy at the University of Paris, in classes and labs, discussing and researching market trends and their effect on the economy (yawn), and even though I have met many great people, nothing distracts me enough from how much I miss you.

I'm counting the days until I return to Montana to see your pretty face again. And even though Europe is unique, it's nothing compared to being with you. I hate that you're staying in that big ranch without me, working all summer at the resort.

Is there at least anything exciting going on? Anything you want to tell me? I'll try to FaceTime you this weekend, but the time difference is screwing everything up.

I love you, B.

My bedroom was suddenly suffocating me. The only thing I could fixate on was his innocent question: Anything you want to tell me? And the longer I stared at it, the guiltier I felt. I still hadn't told him about Rhys at the ranch. Mainly because Rhys hadn't given me the okay, but mostly because I was worried if I told Blaine about Rhys, Rhys would retaliate and tell Blaine about my unresolved debt. I hated being in this situation.

I took a deep breath before slamming my laptop shut. I decided I wouldn't respond to Blaine's email just yet. He was probably busy anyway. Besides, Missy was going to be here any minute, and I wasn't even close to ready. I wanted to have a good night at Grayson's party, but I knew come Monday when I saw Rhys I planned to give him an ultimatum. He needed to tell Blaine he was living at the ranch.  And if he didn't, I would have to tell him. I couldn't hide his presence from Blaine any longer. His secret was weighing on me. I had never kept a secret from Blaine before and I hated being in this position, especially after reading his email.

A knock on my door caused my head to turn. Eddie was leaning in my doorway, arms crossed in front of his chest. "When's Missy going to be here?"

I shrugged, "Pretty soon. She said around nine."

Eddie stood and watched me as I clipped on a chunky gold necklace to accent my teal dress.

"I can drive you guys to Grayson's party. I decided to come along too."

"I thought you were working at the store tonight ..." I drawled, waiting for his response.

"Nah, I thought I should come to Grayson's. You know, to catch up with everyone. I told Mom I wouldn't be working tonight." Eddie paused and shifted in the doorway. "What are you wearing?" His nose wrinkled, and he scratched the back of his head, giving me a head-to-toe body scan.

"It's called a dress."

"Put something else on. It's too tight." Eddie scolded.

"I think she looks fabulous," Missy's voice perked up from behind Eddie. She stood in the doorway wearing a jean skirt and open-toed sandals.

He turned around with a stupid grin. "Jesus Missy! Don't you knock on the door before you walk into someone's house?"

Missy chuckled. "Hell, I'm practically family around here. I don't need to knock."

"Apparently," he stepped back and let her in. "Don't get too comfortable. I'm ready to go."

Missy paused and glanced over at me with a sly smile. "Oh, Eddie, haven't you ever heard of the term fashionably late?"

Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'll be waiting in the truck."

I spun around, holding a curling iron in my hand. "I still have to curl my hair."

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