Chapter 24

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The next few days with Rhys were a whirlwind. I was consumed entirely by him. We were so caught up in a fantasy world where Blaine didn't exist, and I was so desperate that I had become reckless for it to be true. The anxiety and guilt were consuming, but I couldn't stop my urges for Rhys no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even begin to count the number of times we had sex. The pull and connection between us was bigger than any awaited consequences. I had dreamed of a life where Rhys Wyatt was mine for years. And even though my mind knew better than to hurt Blaine, my heart wouldn't let me stop from consuming myself with Rhys. For now, the safety of Blaine overseas was subconsciously reassuring to both of us. We hadn't talked about Blaine and our breakup, and I had no idea what this meant with Rhys if and when Blaine ever returned. Blaine hadn't called me since I ended things, and I was achingly worried about what I would tell him if and when I heard from him again.

I woke up in Rhys's bed, and my body was deliciously sore in all the right places. The growing ache between my legs reminded me how incredibly amazing the last few days had been. I felt content under his fluffy duvet as I listened to the pleasing sound of Rhys singing in the shower. A few minutes later, he returned to his bedroom, wearing only a towel. I could get used to the sight of his naked and tattooed chest every morning. He strolled over to my bedside, and I sat up, tucking the duvet under my armpits. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and leaned forward, kissing me softly.

"Morning," he said, lingering at my lips with our noses touching. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," he ran his hand through my hair. "What time does your shift start today?"


He nodded and turned his head to look outside through the window, but now all I could see was him. I studied his features in the sunlight; he was more breathtaking than the view. Piercing blue eyes. Dark, wet hair. A dimple on his chin and two on either side of his scruffy cheeks. A nose so perfect and defined I could stare at it all day. I couldn't see why this gorgeous man would risk everything for me.

"Why do you ask?" I whispered to him.

He looked at me as expected, and my breath caught when he smiled. "I don't want this to end. Having you all to myself like this. I kind of like it." He cocked his head to the side as he watched my cheeks fill with colour. He was thoughtful for a second, then added quietly, "I'm worried about Blaine...what all of this means though."

I ran my fingers through his hair above his ear and frowned. "What do you mean? I ended things with Blaine. He's in Paris. It's over between us." He looked back out through the window but didn't say anything. I grabbed his cheek and made him look back at me. "What do you mean, Rhys?" I repeated.

He sighed and looked down. "I can't explain this properly, without . . . without clarifying something about my time here."

I frowned again and recalled our elusive discussions on why he mysteriously returned to Moose Creek. It seemed like a lifetime ago; so much had changed. "Like, why you spent the summer in Montana and not California like you had the past three years?"


"I don't understand— what does that have to do with me?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing and yet somehow everything."

I embraced him tightly, putting my head on his shoulder. His eyes twinkled, and I deeply inhaled his intoxicating scent as I snuggled further into his smooth, bare chest. He held me back just as tightly, rubbing my back with one hand, the other hand holding the back of my head. Finally, he slowly said, "I didn't exactly want to come back here." He paused and then whispered. "I tried to stay away for as long as possible because of you."

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