Chapter 27

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Blaine transformed the ranch into what could only be considered a makeshift fraternity house. Christmas lights were strung from the ceiling, beer kegs were the kitchen's focal point, and country music blared so loud I could barely hear my thoughts. The air smelt like booze and sweat. The living room had become a dancefloor, and the deck had become a smoker's lounge. Blaine had gone above and beyond and put everything he knew I loved about a party. Except I wasn't that guy; I'd been in college anymore. Even if I refused to accept it, Ivy had changed me. I didn't care about the alcohol, the party or the faceless girls. All I cared about was Ivy. Now, here I was, putting on a fake smile and pretending I was still the same guy, except I wasn't.

I was too tense to be here, so close to Ivy again that I felt unsteady. Before Blaine returned, I had nothing but the overwhelming sensation of inner peace and clarity for the first time in my life, effervescent in my stomach and giving me a secret hope of a future and a forever with Ivy. I barely accepted the implication of Blaine, the possibility of his return, and how much he loved her unconditionally.

At the party, I noticed everything. Even as Blaine took a sip of a beer, pulled Ivy onto the dancefloor, and twirled her around to the beat of the music, I noticed it all.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I'd done the worst thing imaginable to Blaine, who looked up to me and organized this fantastic party because he supported me. Nashville and my dreams felt so insignificant to all of this. Ivy must have felt torn in two different directions once Blaine returned, and I couldn't let her choose. I couldn't let her feel that way. I made a huge mistake telling how I felt about her all these years. It wasn't fair to her to know how I felt about her. She deserved all the happiness in the world. I gave her a false sense of hope she could have that with me. I wasn't stable enough to be the man she deserved. Ivy may not have seen it now, but in time she would. And the thought of her choosing Blaine over me in the end hurt way too much. I couldn't even fathom the thought without feeling my chest tighten and sting. Whether or not she could see it now, I was bound to hurt her and ruin any chance she had at happiness. I didn't deserve a girl like Ivy; I never did.

I grabbed a drink, and as I took my first sip, Veronica appeared beside me and made a little hm sound in the back of her throat.


She smiled, "You won't change things the longer you stare." I felt her follow my gaze to Ivy and Blaine, slowly dancing to a country song in the middle of the living room. As Blaine kissed Ivy's cheek and whispered something into her ear, I felt Veronica's stare shift to the side of my face.

I felt every particle of air evacuate my chest in a gust as I watched them. Turning to face Veronica, I said in a tight voice, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Just admit it, Rhys. You like Ivy. And you are jealous Blaine's back."

I didn't know what to say. I suspected Veronica could sense I had feelings for Ivy that night at the bonfire. I just hoped I was wrong. But when I turned down her offer to return to the ranch with me, it probably didn't ease her suspicions. I knew why I needed to keep lying to everyone, including myself, about my feelings for Ivy. But seeing Veronica like this – so smug and sure – I was unprepared for how it hit me like a physical blow to the center of my chest.

"Listen, if you keep staring at her like that, Blaine will see it too. I'm just warning you."

"I'm not..." I closed my eyes and took three deep breaths. The thought of Blaine finding out made me panic. "Why do you feel the need to meddle in my life?"

"It's not you I care about. It's Blaine," Veronica said, and I knew her well enough to know that she wasn't lying or playing games this time. "I didn't ask to go home with you that night at Grayson's lake party because I wanted you. I knew we both wanted the same thing but with two different, very unavailable people. I hoped returning to the ranch with you would make Ivy jealous enough to finally come clean and admit her feelings for you so Blaine could finally be mine again."

She was evil, but I understood where she was coming from. Hell, I wanted to admit my feelings for Ivy more than anyone. I wanted to yell them from the highest mountaintop in Montana, except unlike Veronica, I had a brother to lose and the fear of Ivy's reputation being tainted by this town. It would never happen, even though I wanted it more than she did.

"I know you understand where I'm coming from," she said, sipping her drink.

"It ain't going to happen, Veronica, so get over it." Upon hearing Veronica's true motive, I wanted nothing more than to have her dig her claws into Blaine. But when I glanced over at Ivy, laughing as Blaine gave her another twirl, I knew she was exactly where she needed to be, with the right Wyatt brother who could promise her all the happiness in the world.

"You can have any girl you want," Veronica grinned and gulped back the rest of her drink. "And yet you chose to fall in love with the one girl you can't have. That's some real deep psychological shit, Rhys."

"You would know," I told her, then looked back at Ivy, who was wrapped in Blaine's arms.

I couldn't help but grow envious. The jealous rage I felt immediately switched focus when Blaine leaned forward and kissed Ivy. A red haze settled over me as I saw Ivy open her mouth to his. My entire body was frozen, and I swung my attention to Blaine's hand, moving slowly down to her hips.

Veronica chuckled to herself before she walked away from my side. "Enjoy your night, Rhys."

I was fuming as Blaine spun Ivy around once again on the dancefloor. I struggled to hide how she affected me, how my present thoughts could barely be torn from the fantasy of my fists in her hair, the way my hands palmed her perfectly supple breasts, or how her lips were the softest and most decadent part of a woman I'd ever kissed. Watching Blaine run his hands all over her body was driving me insane. Seeing the way he looked at her, like she was his entire world, tore me up inside.

I needed to leave before I said or did anything I shouldn't. 

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