Chapter 20

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I reached into the trunk, pulled out my pink duffle bag and stepped away from the car. I was in awe when I looked at everyone's tents near the falls. It was so picturesque. The strong rapids rushed along the jagged rocks and into the flowing river. Sweet-smelling pine and spruce trees were everywhere. The locals knew Duke Falls to be one of the state's most secluded and colourful falls. A bunch of staff from the resort planned an overnight getaway a few weeks ago. Missy wasn't keen on attending because of Grayson, but I convinced her to come. I was excited to get out of town for a night. That was until Rhys decided to tag along.

I walked over to our tent, dropped off my bag, and headed to the rocky shore. A bunch of people cliff diving from the falls into a deep river. Thankfully, Rhys hadn't arrived yet. I hoped he changed his mind. I slipped my sunglasses on and then looked for Missy. I looked around and noticed her towel spread out on the rocks. Beside it lay an extra towel with pink polka dots on it.

"I was just looking for you," Missy's voice said to my backside. I turned around to see her beaming at me in a black bikini. She held two red solo cups and held one out to me. "This drink is for you, and that towel is yours."

"Thanks. I was looking forward to catching some sun."

Missy laughed and shook her head. "The towels are to dry us off. You and I are slamming our drinks and jumping off the falls."

I swallowed hard. Dirty memories of jumping into the Wyatt's private lake and swimming with Rhys's made my stomach turn. I looked back at the falls and tried not to think about how Rhys made me feel when his lips touched mine. I shook away the thought.

"I don't know...the current can be quite strong this time of year."

"Come on," Missy replied with a wink. "Everyone else is doing it. You'll be fine."

Jumping off a dock two feet high was one thing, but jumping off a cliff thirty feet in the air was another.

"You know how much I hate heights."

"Don't be a summer bummer," Missy said with a cute, convincing pout. "It's not that high...for cliff diving standards."

Jumping into the falls would do me some good. After all, Rhys did help me deal with my fear of heights on our hike. I could be adventurous. I proved it to Rhys and could prove it to Missy, too. I could do this.

"Okay. Let's do it." The words came out of my mouth before my mind could stop them.

"Yay!" Missy shrieked, wrapped her arm around my elbow, and dragged me toward the crowd of cliff jumpers. "I promise you won't regret it."

Once in line, we clinked our cups and slammed our drinks in unison. The sun was hot, and there was no arguing that jumping into the falls was a great way to cool off. I often swam in Duke River but have yet to attempt to jump into the falls. I was terrified of heights mainly because I remember Eddie warning me the current was strong this time of year. Even though I agreed to do it, I was getting exceedingly nervous the longer we waited our turn.

"I'm a little scared," I told her as I pulled off my tank top and tossed it onto a rock. I'd already taken off my shorts when we first arrived. A bikini was necessary at all times when you were at the falls. Everyone lived in their swimwear.

"Don't look down. Just jump." Missy replied.

I smiled, thinking how fearless Missy was and how she always lived in the moment. She was a risk-taker and adventure-seeker, and I loved that about her. I always envied her free spirit. I wanted to be more like her. She was correct; all I had to do was jump. I could do this. I just needed to clear my mind. From everything. And everyone. I wasn't backing out this time.

"We're next!" Missy squealed.

Missy held my hand, and we stepped to the cliff's edge. She smiled over at me and counted to three. At first, I resisted when she yanked me forward, but gravity took over, and we flew off the cliff. When I was submerged under the water, it was shockingly cold. Missy and I were ripped apart on impact, and I felt myself getting sucked down deep. I closed my eyes and kicked my feet to fight my way to the top. I pushed through the water's surface and gasped for air. The current felt stronger than even I had expected. With every push I made, the water pulled harder. I reached the surface but was sucked back down under the water. I flailed my arms and kicked my legs, unable to find the surface again. I wanted to scream for help, but I was helpless. Panic set in. I was being sucked into the rapid current, deeper and deeper. I was losing my breath. My body became weightless. My lungs felt like they were filling up with water, and I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

A warm, strong presence wrapped two robust arms around my waist. They pulled me upward through the unforgiving waters. My first response when my head popped up to the surface was to gasp, sputter and cough. Wet strands of my hair were stuck to my face and blocked my vision. I felt safe and warm from his touch, even though I was shivering. When solid ground touched my backside, Missy appeared right in front of me, crying.

Those solid and familiar hands wiped the wet strands of hair stuck to my face. "Ivy, can you hear me?"

Rhys was inches away from my face. His long dark hair was sopping wet, and his big blue eyes anxiously searched mine. He was shirtless, and his already muscular chest looked even more defined when wet and glistened in the sun. I was so confused.

"Ivy. Answer me." The panic in his voice startled me.

"Rhys," I managed to choke out.

I quickly sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck. My immediate realization that he had been the one to jump in after me brought tears to my eyes. I clung to him and started to sob into his shoulder. I could have drowned. He saved me.

He scooped me up and ran his hand through my hair. He whispered in my ear that I was safe now. As he held me, I could hear Missy shooing away the bystanders and telling them I was okay. When I finally started to let out steadying breaths, I pulled back from Rhys's touch.

"The undertow. It was so strong. I thought -" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Everything is okay. You're safe now," he sighed, pulling my head into his chest. I heard Rhys's swift intake of breath as he wiped a strand of hair off my shoulder, and I glanced up at him. Our lips were so close. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Ivy," Missy dropped to her knees and wedged her way between the two of us. She hugged me and cried into my shoulder. "I should have never asked you to jump with me. When you didn't pop back up after a few minutes..." her voice trailed off. "Thank God Rhys didn't hesitate to jump in after you."

I glanced over at Rhys, and he refused to meet my eyes. He was still visibly upset.

"Don't be sorry, Missy. It's not your fault." I replied and hugged her back.

"I'm going to head back to camp and get changed," Rhys said before he walked over and picked up his shirt. It was probably best that he left. Knowing he had been the one to jump in after me made my heart swell. He risked his own life for mine.

"Make sure she gets some rest," he said to Missy.

My eyes locked with his when I turned to walk back with Missy. I inhaled a deep breath as I watched him wring out his wet shirt. He was focused entirely on me. Seeing his protective eyes watching me was hard to ignore. Rhys ran his hand thoughtfully over his bottom lip, and I jerked my eyes away from his face. His penetrating gaze caused my stomach to do panicky things.  

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