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After what feels like a really longs night it's finally Wednesdays and that means cafe day

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After what feels like a really longs night it's finally Wednesdays and that means cafe day. I can't wait to spent time with Ben, Henry and Avery. We both get ready for school and I practically drag Ben out if the house. The day feels like it is going so slow hour by hour I just watch the clock in anticipation............

3PM YESSS! I grab Ben's arm and pull him from one side of the school to the other so we could meet up with the guys. We head to the outskirts of town to see a small 1950's style cafe (it's the only place in town worth coming to)! I sit in a booth with old faded red chairs next to the door and across from the counter everyone joins me.

Avery- "How was school today for you two?"

Ben- "Its was ok some people were giving me funny looks in science I believe it's because I know more then they do."

"It was ok I just wanted for it to hurry up and be 3pm, I really want pizza and a doughnuts all day!"

Henry- "Boys buy the pizza girls buy the doughnuts?"

Everyone nods in agreement. Ben and Henry head over and stand at the counter waiting for our pizza to be ready.

Avery- "So ..... when are you and Ben going to go on a date?"

"What? We are not going on a date....we're friends."

Avery- "Ohhh I thought... I mean it's just the way you look at each other I thought you were together."

Just as I was about to answer the boys walk over to the table with our pizza. I take the first slice as it's all I have been thinking about all day.

Henry- "What did we miss when we were getting the food."

"Just girl stuff really, you know do you like this person does this person like you. That sort of thing."

Henry- "Sounds fun."

As we all start to eat our food a strange man walks into the cafe. I don't know what it is about him but something felt wrong. We are all just about to finished with our food so me and Avery go over to the counter and order three jelly doughnuts and one chocolate.

Henry- "When are you going to tell Ren that you like her?"

Ben- "What no I can't! It's wrong it's not my place! Beside even if I could be with her what type of like could I give her?"

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