chapter 4: An enemy?.....or friend....

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3 person pov:

"ALEX!?" "MAXY?!" The two females hugged "I MISSED YOU! we're you dear?" "I was here! I thought you knew...."

Maxy's pov:

"I didn't! That's why I was so know how I am max..." I sighed and rubbed her ears "it's ok now....I'm ok.... but you look cool! And cute~" I said, winking at her, she blushed "aww, stawop.... hehehe" she started licking my stomach, tickling me "hahaha! Stop! You're tickling me! Hehehe" she was purring and holding me , she spins me around and stops, she kisses me "I missed you dear...." " Missed you too...."

Sonics pov:

"Hey guys..." Rogue said "ya? Wassup?" "Where's maxy? I thought we would keep an eye on her!?" I looked at where she was before, she wasn't there...."guys, spread out! Find her!" And we went out separate ways, shadow and knuckles were with me, we were running into the woods, we didn't find anything for the next few hours....I was about to give up but....a silhouette of maxy being attacked by another hedgehog? Was that even a hedgehog? It had these weird things by the side of them, a weird tail? It was weird! "Shadow.... knuckles...." I called for them and pointed at the silhouette of maxy and the other hedgehog...."what is that?" Knuckles asked "I don't know.... maybe a hybrid..." "But... mixed with what shadow?..." "I don't know sonic...we are going to have to be save her....she may be in Danger...." I nodded my head and started going straight while shadow went left and knuckles went right, i jumped at the hedgehog, making her drop maxy "ah! Sonic what are you doing!?" "I'm saving you!" I was holding the hedgehog down with my two arms, I wasn't that strong but strong enough to hold her down , knuckles took my place and held her down...

Maxy's pov:

"SONIC! SHE'S NOT DANGEROUS!-" sonic shut me up by putting his hands on my mouth "shhhh, she probably brainwashed you, look at her! She's not normal!" "Now that's rude shouldn't be judging hedgehogs appearance just because" shadow said as he walked out of the bushes "I'm surprised you're even alive...I thought she killed you max" "she wouldn't hurt me! She's nice!-" sonic was checking me out for wounds "are you hurt? You ok?" "I'm fine sonic!" I pushed him off, Alex growled at knuckles and kicked him off "AGHHHHHH" knuckles screamed, he held his stomach, Alex ran to me and picked me up and ran away with me in her arms, she ran away far and wide, I heard screaming behind but she didn't look back...."your mine!" Alex yelled at me, I chuckled because I knew how she was...we stopped at a beach, a small section , I sighed and pointed at a spot on the sand , she put me down safely and sat down next to me "so.... that was bazaar...." "It was....who were they?...." "The blue one is sonic, the red one knuckles and the other one shadow...." "Why were they trying to take you away from me?...." "Because they think you are an enemy, they have never seen you before...." "Oh...." She was sad, I could tell, I hugged her and ruffled up her fur "it's ok! Don't worry..." She hugged me back and whined "I just want you to be next to me.... it's been 2 weeks....I don't want to lose you again!" I guess time works different here....we were relaxing for the remaining hours until....."THERE HERE!"i heard, Alex held me close, i heard a yell and saw something green going at Alex, i pushed her to the side and took the impact, hearing yelling...

I felt the impact, landing half into the water , blood coming from my view getting blurry.....I saw alex getting tackled down by shadow...I passed out and the last thing I saw before passing out was sonic running at me, checking if I'm ok....

Shadows pov:

We bought maxy in the hospital, helping her with the wound she had, I'm even surprised that she survived the hedgehog should be able to survive it....she was taken to the surgery room, apparently it damaged something in her stomach.... sonic was pacing around the living room when we got home...."why did she take the hit!?, why did she protect YOU!?" He pointed at the hedgehog that was in the corner of the living room, watching everything...."she didn't have to take the hit!? WHY DID SHE SAVE YOU!?..... what is so special about you...." He growls out and pulled on her ears...."I mean no harm.... I'm not here to hurt anyone or anything" she explained "then....if you mean no harm, then why were you biting her?" I asked, she looked at me like I was insane " I was licking her, not biting her...." She explained "that DOESN'T give her a reason to take the bullet.... I'm surprised she even survived....." He said, he just ignored her for the rest of the night.....

3 person pov:

Sonic was in the kitchen, now calming down....he was confused, why did maxy take the bullet? Why didn't she allow it to hit her........ now maxy was in the hospital.... happy that she survived but she might not live.... shadow was keeping watch on Alex, Alex was bored so she just fell asleep and ignored everything... shadow didn't bother her, what was the point? Sonic was already mad at her so why cause more problem....Amy was trying to "comfort" sonic, and by comfort I mean trying to get into his pants, not caring for maxy nor Alex, like she ever even cared for them....

"Hey shadow..." Knuckles said "hey knuckles, what's up?" Shadow responded "so, maxy is going to be in the hospital for a few months.... but she said that she doesn't want any visits from anyone...." "Why? Did she give a reason?" "Maybe because she wants attention...." Amy suggested "no, it wouldn't be that reason you pink hedgehog
..." Alex said "tch.... and who are you to know?... it's not like you know her-" " me and her have been together as friends for a while....I know her like the back of my hand..." Alex quickly said, interrupting Sonic..."just shut up....." Sonic says, he went upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut, shadow just sighed and watch as rogue and amy started to leave, knuckles left after a few minutes, was just shadow, sonic and alex.....

Will maxy ever recover?.....

Word counter: 1106

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