7 - He is in my blood

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 'Don't panic. Our emotions are the same now, but I'm still not used to feeling so much.' 

The explanation doesn't seem to help, because the shaking won't stop, and their breathing is only getting quicker. It can feel tears gathering up in their eyes and decides to wait it out. They take small steps forward as Izuku's panic slowly dissipates. 

The sun is low in the sky by the time he gets a hold of himself, and it's only then that it decides it's a good time to speak. 

'Are you feeling better?' 

'I don't know.' 

His voice sounds hoarse and tired, so it doesn't press for anything else. They are consumed by silence yet again. It's nice. It's not wandering alone now, because there is always someone with it. 

Though he gets Izuku's feeling of confusion and disorientation through their merging minds, so he knows the other is thinking deeply about something. But through this merger, it has been getting a lot of memories about that boy, kacchan, who was crying in front of their body. 

He must be pretty close to them, judging by all the emotions and memories that they have connected to only one person. He doesn't need to ask who the boy is, because now he knows everything that Izuku knows about him. 

'It'll be okay. When you finally accept me, we will be able to be with everyone. We can make everything right again.' 

Their body is fully completed now, but the pain is still there. Another sign of Izuku's' hesitation to accept him completely. 


He doesn't answer, and their vision begins to go blurry. 

"You can't go to sleep we stil-"

 It doesn't get a chance to finish the first sentence they have ever said, because their vision turns back, and it feels them falling to the ground, the rocks digging into their face and entire side. That is the last thing they remember before waking up in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors.

 But by then, they had already become one, its emotions and memories mixing with Izuku's. One person, one body, and one soul. His mom, when she came running into his room, didn't even know what had happened. He counted that as a success.

 Clearly, if she doesn't think anything is wrong besides him going missing for a while, then who would possibly see through him? He could continue to live his life, fix everything that had gone wrong. 

Go to school like normal, make the person who started those rumors pay, and maybe Kacchan won't be so bothered anymore. He knows things won't go back to normal, not with everything that had happened, but still, maybe it would just lift the tensions a bit. 

That was the plan, and it was going pretty well, until this moment. He never expected kacchan to find him out so fast, or at all, not when his own mom couldn't tell if anything was different. He should have known. Kacchan has always been amazing at reading people. 

He digs his nails deeper into his skin, trying to have something more to grab onto. 

"Kacchan, please," 

His voice breaks into a distorted mess as even more tears fall down his face. It's both familiar and new. Kacchan tries to back up, but he won't let him. His face is contorted into a disgusted and fearful expression, his red eyes searing Izuku's skin. 


Don't look at me like that.

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