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We never expected it, I mean who would. We were everyones goals, random strangers would tell us they knew we were going to be together forever, so what happened? That is a very strange story.

"Luke, come on." I laughed as he picked me up, he had placed me over his shoulder. My fists hit his back lazily.

"Nope." He smiled.

"If you love me, you'll put me down." I smiled, knowing this would get him to put me down.

"Mm, I love you lots." He said as he placed me down on the ground.

"I know, and I love you even more." I kissed him.

"Are you coming over mine, or am I going over yours?" Luke asks.

"I can't go over, and you can't come over." I frowned. "My mum needs my help, says she has a big date, again." I sighed.

"I hate when she has date night, my dad has a date tonight too." Luke frowned, remembering, because I mentioned my mum.

"You can come by after she leaves if you want?" I offered.

"Just call me." Luke gave me a goofy grin.

"Oh, I will." I smirked.

"I bet you will." He smirked too.

"I have to get going, but I love you, Luke." I smile tugged at my lips every time I got to tell him the opportunity of how much I just loved him.

"I love you too, Wendy." He gave me one long passionate kiss, lifting me off my feet and spinning me around in the middle of campus, in front of everyone.

"Bye Luke." I chuckled.

"Bye babe." He mimicked my chuckle. 

I saw his friends walking over, and just waved over my head walking away.

When I got home, my mum was in a fit.

"Mum, you have to calm down." I tell her sighing.

"There isn't enough time. He's picking me up in two hours, I still have to shower, pick an outfit, do my hair, and my make up." She groaned.

"You sound like me when I am going out with Luke." I giggle.

"How is Luke?" She smiled. My mum loved Luke, he treated me every way she wanted me to be treated by a boy. He was constantly spending time with me, he even babysat my younger brother, who is very fond of him, but Luke has always been pretty good with kids.

"He's good." I smiled.

"How are you two?" She gave me a questioning look.

"We're better than good, words can't even describe how amazing we are." I grinned. "I love him mum, and he loves me, and I know we're only just seniors in high school, now - but I know we're going to be together a long time, I - I can feel it in my bones." 

"I believe it." She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you think him and I will get married?" I ask.

"Yes!" My little brother shouted running into the room and straight into my arms.

"Hey bud." I smiled. I picked him up and held him against my hip, he was only seven, but he was a monster.

"I have to go get ready, I'll call you when I need help." She sighed walking up the stairs.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask.

"Anything." He shrugged, he went back to the game room probably to go battle some foreign kid online through his DS that is. 

I began making him food, and got a Facetime call from Luke.

"Hi babe." I waved the spoon I was stirring with.

"Hi, are you cooking?" Luke stifled a laugh.

"I am, someone has to feed Casey." I sighed.

"Your mum is that busy, is her date like proposing to her or something tonight?" Luke asks, but he paused. "My dad is proposing to his mysterious girlfriend tonight." He grumbled. He did not like the idea of this woman replacing his mum, I knew he missed her a lot. I had only met her a couple of times before she passed, but she made Luke promise he would never give up on his relationship with me, and that he better propose, we just laughed and said promise, but we never really thought about it. I thought about it every day.

"She was freaking out when I got home, I have no idea." I shook my head, hoping not. "Congrats to your dad, if she says yes. I know you don't like the idea of that Luke, I know," I sighed, "but try and be supportive of him, he needs you in this." 

"I am, I am trying my best." He ran a hand through his hair.

"When I come by later, I hope you don't mind Jack and Ben want to tag along." He gave a hopeful smile.

"Of course, I love your brothers." I smiled. "Not as much as I love you tho." 

"Better love me more, I have something for you too, but that's for later when I see you." Luke gave a cheeky wink.

"You got me a present?" I ask surprised.

"Yes m'am."

"You are the best boyfriend ever." He smiled a really big goofy grin.

"Thank you, you are the best girlfriend ever too." Luke nodded.

"Wendy!" My mom called ten minutes later.

"Guessing that means you have to go then?" He asks.

"Yeah." I pouted. "Casey food." I called and he came running in.

"Luke!" He shouted.

"Hey buddy." Luke waved.

"Are you coming by later?" Casey asked hopeful, now holding the plate of food I just served him.

"Yeah." Luke smiled.

"Say bye to Luke, Casey." I waved.

"Bye Luke." Casey said sadly, I know bud, I know.

"Bye Casey." Luke pouted too.

"Bye Luke, I love you." I blew him a kiss.

"Bye babe, I love you too." He caught the kiss and placed it against his lips like a goof. I rolled my eyes while smiling before we both ended the call.

I got upstairs and helped my mum get ready for her date, which consisted of me doing all the things she stressed about.

"Push up or non push up?" She asks.

"Push up mum, god." I rolled my eyes, and she just laughed.

"Well I don't want to come off as a slag." She took this as her turn to roll her eyes.

"You look beautiful mum, and you have still have five minutes to spare until your date gets here, so get that bra on and slip the dress on and your shoes, and bam." I clapped my hands.

"Thank you, I'd be so lost without you." 

"Yeah, I know. That's why you had me." I laughed walking out of her room. 

I walked into the kitchen to make myself a plate of the food I had cooked, I was so hungry. My mum came down the stairs just as I sat down. 

"Bye!" She called out.

"Bye!" Casey and I hollered.

That was all she said before I heard the door shut.

That was all that happened before Luke came over, all that happened before life changed. 

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