Chapter 5

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(Scarlett) *laying in bed*

(Theo) hey *knocking on open door* are you alright?

(Scarlett) I don't know

(Theo) you skipped breakfast so I wondered if everything was alright since it's not healthy to skip on meals

(Scarlett) in every way I'm not ok but now I'm panicking in my head

(Theo) *sitting in doorway* what's going on?

(Scarlett) I don't know if I may be pregnant it's been a week since the whole wedding disaster now I feel so sick

(Theo) if you are pregnant I am here to help I know your ex may want half custody of the baby since it would be his too or none since he cheated but you don't know for sure if you are pregnant or may jest be sick of lack of eating

(Scarlett) *hiding head* why is life so complicated right now?

(Theo) *scooting close to Scarletts bed* hey it's gonna be ok *holding Scarletts arm* look at me

(Scarlett) *looking at Theodore* can you go to the convenient store for me? I can give you the money

(Theo) it's no worries I can, would you like your friends down to talk too?

(Scarlett) they have college classes today

(Theo) I have some next week but if you need your brothers by that's alright too

(Scarlett) I'm jest panicking on the inside

(Theo) it's ok to panic, I don't want to leave you alone here to panic I'm gonna call my cousin Mia if that's alright jest to keep you company while I'm out

(Scarlett) thank you

(Theo) *walking to bedroom calling mia* hey cuz

(Mia) what's up Theo?

(Theo) could you come by my place for some time and keep Scarlett company? Her friends are in school and I would've had her call her brother but she's in a panic mood

(Mia) what's happening? Is it the ex?

(Theo) it's about him but she believes she might be pregnant

(Mia) oh my are you handling this well? Afterall you welcomed her in to your home to help her and now this

(Theo) I completely understand and I'd support her she's my friend and we don't know for sure if she is I have to run to the store to help get groceries and pick up a test for her

(Mia) I'll be down in fifteen little cuz

(Theo) thank you Mia

- 15 minutes later -

(Mia) I'm here

(Theo) thank you *grabbing bag* I'll be back in twenty possibly but Scarlett is on her bed

(Mia) it's no problem *walking to bedroom* hey

(Scarlett) hi Mia

(Mia) my cousin updated me on what has been going on and I'm here if you need to talk *sitting on bed*

(Scarlett) I've been sick last night and today I can hardly eat without feeling I need to throw up now I'm panicked I might be pregnant with Joey's baby we did celebrate times before the wedding now I'm scared

(Mia) *rubbing Scarletts back* if you are pregnant then it's your choice on what you want to do, weather it's keeping the baby or having shared custody of the child and how the child may feel going from parent to parent during scheduled times you can always talk to the court or ask for child support

(Scarlett) you definitely know alot about this

(Mia) Theodore's brother Devan, I don't know if you met him but he went through divorce too and I learned through him about most things

(Scarlett) that does make more sense

(Mia) I know it's odd to talk about with the whole ex fiancé I feel I completely understand how quick my cousin let you in

(Scarlett) is that something bad?

(Mia) no not at all, I started the conversation weird I was going to say because he has an ex girlfriend he wanted to propose to around two months ago I don't know if he's back in the dating game but his ex girlfriend cheated on him with some guy for some time I don't know if she stopped seeing him we don't know his name or Theo probably would've cursed him out

(Scarlett) I'm so sorry I had no idea he went through that

(Mia) it's better to know then be left in the dark but please jest take care of my cousin even if he may not speak up about his issues

(Scarlett) I will

(Theo) *walking inside* I'm home

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