Chapter 7

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(Scarlett) *laying in bed*

(Theo) hey you can't hide away in bed forever you need food

(Scarlett) I will eat I jest had so much on my mind

(Theo) *sitting on Scarletts bed* well you'd need to talk to your parents or your exs parents

(Scarlett) I need to call my mom about things

(Theo) *holding scarletts hand* I'm here if you need any help

(Scarlett) *calling Valentina* mama

(Valentina) hi sweetie, how are you?

(Scarlett) I'm ok mama, I needed to ask are you still friends with Joey's parents?

(Valentina) we talk on occasions about the wedding and you after the wedding incident

(Scarlett) can we schedule a meeting with his parents?

(Valentina) is everything alright miha?

(Scarlett) I'm pregnant mama

(Valentina) oh my

(Martin) is everything alright my love?

(Valentina) sweetie your father is in the room you are on speaker could you tell your papa everything

(Scarlett) papa I am pregnant with Joey's child *squeezing Theo's hand*

(Martin) oh my

(Scarlett) I'm scared I don't know what to say to Joey's family or even to him

(Valentina) it's gonna be ok sweetie your not alone you'll never be alone will schedule to meet with Joey's parents in a café to talk you may bring Theodore if you need I know that sweet boys been taking great care of you ever since the day the two of you met

(Scarlett) he is mama he's taken great care of me

(Theo) *smiling at Scarlett*

(Scarlett) you can text me the time and day we can meet with them

(Valentina) I will miha

- cafe -

(Gloria) Scarlett it's great to see you

(Scarlett) you as well Mrs.Tucker

(Gloria) I heard from your mother you had something you'd like to discuss with us

(Scarlett) their is some things I need to discuss with you and Mr.Tucker

(Theo) sorry if we are late *walking in cafe with Scarletts parents and ryder*

(Gloria) your not late at all

(Alberto) It's great to see you again Martin Valentina

(Valentina) you as well

(Scarlett) I needed you guys to come here due to some things we've discovered after the wedding

(Gloria) what happened?

(Scarlett) I recently found out I am pregnant with Joey's child, I am six weeks along

(Alberto) oh my

(Gloria) is this true?

(Scarlett) *showing ultrasound* yes it's true

(Gloria) does Joey know?

(Ryder) your son does not know due to Scarlett cutting contact with Joey the day of the wedding once Scarlett found him in bed with his mistress that is when Scarlett left and cut all contact with him, he was at the home when we moved Scarletts belongings into Theodores home, Theodore welcomed Scarlett in the day of everything and she has stayed there since their was no relationship between the two the day they first met was after Scarlett ran out of the wedding away from Joey

(Gloria) will call Joey and inform him of everything, would it be better for Joey to contact you through my cell for only a one call to decide on meeting or not?

(Theo) it's up to you Scarlett

(Scarlett) yes, I will be fine with the arranged meeting as long as Ryder is nearby incase of anything in this legal case

(Ryder) I won't leave your side sis and if you need backup I can get Wyatt as well

(Scarlett) thank you all for this

(Valentina) anything for you miha

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