Chapter 8

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(Scarlett) *sorting through clothes*

(Theo) have you heard anything?

(Scarlett) not yet I'm jest waiting my mom said they were meeting the day after our meeting in the cafe

(Theo) where's your phone at?

(Scarlett) on my bed but I'm sorting clothes for the honeymoon coming up

(Theo) I almost forgot you had that planned for both our groups to attend

(Scarlett) we can pick any day since the timing of everything but I've been discussing the plans with my group and I know you'll need to get word to your group soon too

*phone going off*

(Theo) here *handing Scarlett phone*

(Scarlett) *setting call on speaker* hello

(Joey) hey Scarlett

(Scarlett) are you calling to agree about our meeting?

(Joey) yes I am, what time would you like to meet?

(Scarlett) at three at the diner

(Joey) alright, I'm bringing a guest later on if you don't mind

(Scarlett) it's fine, I'll see you then *hanging up call*

(Theo) are you alright?

(Scarlett) he's bringing the woman *tearing up* fuck

(Theo) hey jest take a deep breath it's gonna be ok

(Scarlett) *hugging theo* I can't do this alone

(Theo) I will be going with you here let me call ryder

(Scarlett) *handing Theo phone*

(Theo) *holing arm around Scarlett calling ryder*

(Ryder) hey sis is everything alright?

(Theo) hey ryder it's Theo it looks like the meeting will be at three at the diner if you can meet us there but keep your face covered and stay nearby it looks like Joey is bringing a guest later on who may be the mistress

(Ryder) I'll be on my way, thank you for the update

(Theo) no problem

(Ryder) she's not taking it well is she?

(Theo) no

(Ryder) this man is a piece of shit for all the things he's putting Scarlett through I feel so bad for her but all we can do is stay close and she'll call out for us if she needs

(Theo) will see you at the diner

(Ryder) see you soon *ending call*

(Theo) ryder will be meeting us at the diner will need to get ready to go

(Scarlett) alright

- diner -

(Joey) *sitting at table*

(Scarlett) *walking up to table with theo*

(Joey) it's good to see you Scarlett

(Scarlett) you too

(Joey) I heard from my mother you announced you are pregnant with my child

(Scarlett) yes I am, we are here to discuss the custody and plans on who gets the child during week or weekend

(Joey) well I'm surprised your keeping the child

(Theo) it is scarletts choice it is her body she can decide on what she would like to do

(Joey) and who are you to speak for her?

(Theo) I am her close friend Theodore or you can call me Mr.Murphy with these legal proceedings

(Ryder) *sitting by Joey listening*

(Joey) well Theodore I'd not like to be in this child's life afterall I've found love for the past few months

(Scarlett) how long were you seeing her while engaged to me?

(Joey) six months before you discovered of our relationship the day of the wedding

(Scarlett) so your last hurrah of fun before the wedding has gone on for six months straight?

(Joey) yes it has, I'm surprised you never caught on but you were glued into wedding planning so I doubted you would even notice

(Nichole) sorry I'm late babe *walking to table*

(Theo) what the hell!?

(Ryder) *looking up at table confused* "does Theo know her?"

(Nichole) long time no see Theo

(Scarlett) what's going on?

(Theo) I can't believe this

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