Chapter 16

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Baby born - Marissa Valentina Butler Murphy

(Scarlett) *holding baby* hi miha it's your mommy

(Theo) *kissing Scarletts forehead* she's beautiful babe

(Scarlett) I can't wait for you to meet everyone

(Theo) all of the family is in the waiting room, would you like me to send in your parents?

(Scarlett) yes let them and yours come in

(Theo) I will be right back *walking into waiting room*

(Sadie) mama

(Valentina) Theo how is she?

(Theo) she is doing well will have her rest but it is a healthy baby girl

(Ryder) has she picked a name?

(Theo) her name is Marissa Valentina Butler Murphy after her mother and I

(Valentina) my sweet miha

(Oscar) she is giving the baby our name?

(Theo) yes sir, she wants her daughter to have the better father figure than the man she would've been with

(Devan) that's great man

(Mia) what are we waiting for let's go meet her

(Theo) let's not go in all together as a mob but enter slowly and quietly the baby is resting

(Valentina) you will be a great father Theo

(Theo) thank you Mrs.Butler

(Scarlett) mama papa

(Valentina) *walking into room* my sweet miha you have a beautiful baby girl

(Scarlett) she is named after a wonderful mother that raised me and an amazing man who stepped into my life as a wonderful father figure to my little girl

(Mia) *hugging theo* you guys will do great

(Martin) *kissing Scarletts forhead* congratulations miha

(Ryder) you did great sis were proud of you

(Wyatt) this kids gonna have some fun uncles

(Sadie) auntie

(Ryder) *picking up sadie* look Sadie this is your niece Marissa

(Sadie) baby

(Wyatt) that's right it is a baby

(Sadie) cute baby

(Scarlett) thank you Sadie

(Theo) I am on maternity leave for awhile then I'd be back to work

(Mia) don't worry cuz theirs plenty of people that will volunteer to help Scarlett out when your at work don't stress it you guys aren't alone

(Theo) thank you all for coming and being great help to Scarlett

(Scarlett) I love you all

(Valentina) we love you too miha

(Amelia) your daughter has alot of loved one's surrounding her you can always count on us

(Theo) *hugging amelia* thank you mom dad

(Oscar) of course son

(Amelia) anything for you too

(Theo) *sitting beside Scarlett* hi baby

(Scarlett) were your parents sweetie

(Theo) *kissing Marissa's forhead* we love you so much sweetie

(Scarlett) *kissing theo* will be a great family

(Theo) yes we will

- end of story -

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