Chapter 6

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(Scarlett) *waiting on tests* how much longer on the timer?

(Mia) three minutes

(Scarlett) I'm jest panicking I can't be pregnant not after all this

(Mia) jest take deep breaths will help no matter what it's going to be ok

(Theo) *putting groceries away* I'm done putting groceries away but how are things going?

(Mia) *opening door* were waiting on the tests only a minute left on the timer Scarlett

(Scarlett) I'm nervous

(Theo) *rubbing Scarletts shoulders* hey it's gonna be ok it's ok Scarlett

(Scarlett) *hugging theo* I'm scared I can't be alone I'm I'm gonna be a mom alone

(Theo) hey it's ok you aren't alone

(Mia) you have us here Scarlett theirs your friends, family, our family is here too you could never be alone

(Scarlett) can we go to the doctors, please?

(Theo) of course we can *rubbing Scarletts shoulders* will go with you

(Scarlett) thank you so much

- doctors office -

(Doctor) Ms.Butler?

(Scarlett) yes

(Doctor) come sit here and will talk

(Scarlett) *sitting down* is everything alright?

(Doctor) the baby is alright perfect and healthy, you are in fact pregnant and six weeks along

(Scarlett) oh my

(Doctor) is this not something you planned for?

(Scarlett) I was going to wed my ex fiancé but he cheated the day of the wedding with another woman

(Doctor) I am sorry you are going through this miss, try taking a break from things find ways to de-stress so that you don't wear yourself out, overwhelmed as you carry a second life in your body

(Scarlett) cravings and mood swings are common as well? I used to be around to help my mother while she was pregnant with my younger sister

(Doctor) yes those are common and you should do fine even if it is your first pregnancy their are plenty pregnancy parenting books I can get the nurse to recommend you some

(Scarlett) thank you so much Doctor

(Doctor) I'll go grab that list I will be right back *walking out of room* hello you must be the man who is helping her out

(Theo) yes sir I am Theodore or you can call me Mr.Murphy

(Doctor) I know that girl back there Ryders little sister he'd tell me alot about her she would work her days in retail and nights on weekends working at a bar I worry for her overworking herself but I know she did this all for her wedding and I don't want her stressing herself with that bar job so you may need to convince her to take time off from there

(Theo) I will try my best too I know she's a hard independent worker but she's in great hands with many people who love her and wish to help her

(Doctor) I hear she still has her honeymoon to go on if she's ever ready then she can always go when she's ready afterall her brothers purchased it for her

(Theo) I'll ask her about it

(Doctor) you can call me Mr.Nova I also go by Brendon

(Theo) thank you Brendon

(Doctor) shell also need to talk to that ex of hers on custody rights, plans on who gets the child on weekends and weekdays or one week with one parent then the next week with the other parent

(Theo) will talk to her, Ryder is good help with any kinds of legal actions

(Doctor) well here is the list of books for Scarlett please take the best care of her Theo

(Theo) I promise too thank you so much

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