Part One

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Link's knees sat coldly on top of the blue Luminous stone flooring. Hurting from how long he's been in this position, there in the bathroom of the domain's royal castle. His hair was disgusting, reeking with sad tiredness as it fell. He was hunched over the most royal toilet in all of the domain, sobbing. Though his eyes were completely hidden into his forarm, the tears shown through brightly. Leaking down onto the floor where they then camouflaged. Joining the other random puddles in this castle because of how Zora's almost were always wet, damp at least. Just like his eyes right this second, as they poured.

He feels so uncomfortable, inside and out. What is he meant to do, honestly? How in Hyrule is he meant to fix this, to let go? I'll tell you the short answer; he can't. His mind, nor body, refuses.

It has been one month since he found out and three months since it all started. The moment he was told of what caused all the times he threw up, why he gagged over this very toilet, his mind never rested. Forever thinking about what he is to do. Should he tell him? What would he think? How would he react? Would he still want him? That last one always hurt him the most, therefore he thought about it the least.

Picking up his heavy head, Link exhaled through his quivers. Flushing the toilet since he thinks his morning sickness is over now. Pleadingly hoping that it is. Link hasn't had one good minute of sleep all night. If he was lucky, some days he might be able to get in 3-4 hours, tonight was not in his favor however. It was 2am, and still not a second of shuteye graced him, even after considering how desperately, devotedly exhausted the small man was. His eyes now swollen of insomnia and sorrow.

He used the very last energy and strength within him to stand up right. Legs wobbled and trembled under the weight of his own body. Link tried desperately to see himself in the mirror, wondering just how disgusting he must look, but alas his short hylian self could only barely see his hairline within the big Zoran mirror. His tiptoes not helping at all.

Just as he thought about grabbing the step stool from beside the sink, a knock thudded on the door. A small, normal knock.

Link's entire body froze. He can't let anyone see him like this, he's learned that Zora's tend to be very compassionate and caring. Sometimes this annoyed him when it came to anyone else but his beloved. Though, he can't assure that Sidon would call him the same, he can still feel that of Sidon. Sidon or not however, he knows whomever is on the other side of this door will worry about him. Link doesn't want any attention on himself while he's as vulnerable as now.

He needed to brush his teeth and clean his mouth out, but the knocking happened again. Longer this time, sounding more urgent. With a distressed expression, Link sighed dramatically to himself. Preparing to grab the handle, open the door and reveal what problem awaits him.
When he saw Sidon towering tall, his hopeless love for the Zora blinded him from how much bigger the problem had become. Sidon was going to worry the most, and what was he supposed to tell him?

"Link?" Sidon called out to him. Kneeling down and attempting to hold the hero's left cheek. Failing because of the hylian hand that slowly pushed his away. Link not meeting his gaze right now, too worried that if he saw his eyes he'd become more distressed. "My dear, what's wrong? I heard a loud bang."

That must've been from when Link ran into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him so fast and without thinking, that it must've made a large cry for help. Even after Sidon bringing this to his attention, the only words Link focused on was 'My dear'. Was Link really his dear? Oh, sweet Hylia, he does care, doesn't he? Maybe finally Link's dreams are coming true. Maybe Sidon does have love for him, romantic love.

Link had to take off his glasses of delusion again. Coming to realize they were just meaningless words that fell out of his mouth. Nicknames he rarely called link to tease him. Knowing full well they held no intention or real purpose other than that. Maybe Link still had those glasses on... he never knows anymore.

Still avoiding the Prince's eyes, Link signed, 'I had to pee.'

Sidon remained unconvinced. Link had been acting strange lately... he found the knight running away sometimes, returning short after. He also noticed the dark circles that became under his eyes over time. When he took his hand closer to Link's face again, he wasn't swatted away. Finally lifting his soft chin to reveal his heavy, dragging exhaustion. Now permanent on his face of dread and guilt. Sidon's eyes widened at the hylian's sorrowfully broken state. Concern enveloping him entirely. "Please be honest, Link." He paused to caress his cheek, "I'm worried about you." Just as those words spilled, Sidon feels the dampness embedded onto his face. The concern growing.

Link might as well have a panic attack. It was impossible not to cave under Sidon's comforting presence. His body internally longed to be with him every night, begged to be held by the one that impregnated him. His beloved. He knew he needed to tell Sidon, but was here and now the best place? Sidon was engaged to another, forcefully, he knows, but still out of reach nonetheless. Those burdened questions from before sprang into his mind again. Spiraling his thoughts into a distraught and helpless wave of stress. Breaking down into another pathetic sob.

His hands guarded his eyes as his head fell into that support. Hanging and dragging low while he cried. His mouth was disgusting, his eyes felt as if they were boiling, and he's too broken to try and hide himself. Displayed for all of Sidon to see.

The Prince pulls Link into his chest. Hugging him as tight as he could in hopes it will help.

After feeling his body against his own, Link does feel a sense of comfort, of course. This proximity being the very thing he'd yearned for. "I want to help..." Sidon tried. "Please let me help, Link."

The short thing latched his arms underneath Sidon's large ones. Holding him, pulling him closer, if that was even possible. His face bucking out from in his chest to now stuttering over his shoulder. All the while trying to stay balanced on the tips of his toes.

Link tried to keep this feeling in his memories as he pulled away. Looking into Sidon's yellow eyes for the first time tonight. Pleadingly he signed, 'Please don't hate me.' Eyes barely opened while they flowed with tears.

The Prince's expression softened and saddened more, "I could never." All the while, those big hands never letting go of his waist.

He struggled to find the courage within himself to break this silence. Withholding this information for a month has made it feel like an edging lie. Guilt receded within his heart while he stammered his next statement. Cold shaken hands expressing,
'I'm pregnant.'

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